Page 49 - World Airnews Magazine March 2020 Edition
P. 49
s the aviation industry in the
AUnited States faces growing work is often more dependable - instead travel solution,” Hudson Andrews, the com-
worker shortages, aviation schools across of private employers, pilot shortages are pany’s director of marketing, told European
Arizona are preparing to feed the de- he private aviation industry contin- expected to hit the industry. CEO. “What sets us apart most is our ‘all-
mand with certified and skilled labour. Tues to scale new heights, att racti ng you-can-fly’ membership model. For one
Projections for the next 20 years forecast customers with cu�ng-edge features. But EARNING YOUR WINGS monthly subscription fee, members can
fly as often as they’d like on our scheduled
that the industry will need 804,000 new a pilot shortage threatens the growth of service. Booking a flight in seconds from an
civil aviation pilots, 769,000 new mainte- this high-end sector Anyone who has flown economy class easy-to-use mobile app helps to make the
nance technicians and 914,000 new cabin Although travel may be more popular can see the appeal of travelling by private service all the more convenient.”
crew, according to the 2019 Boeing pilot than ever, flying can be an altogether jet. First, it significantly cuts down dead
Although private jet deliveries remain
and technician outlook. unpleasant experience. The stress of going time. Due to fears of missing a flight, many below the levels seen prior to the 2008
individuals flying with commercial airlines
There are now dozens of aviation pro- through security, the inevitable delays (or
grams across Arizona - and spots available cancellations) and the depressing in-flight arrive at the airport extraordinarily early. financial crisis, the market is still buoyant,
particularly for those companies that have
Private customers, meanwhile, can enjoy a
- to train technicians, unmanned flight meal make it something to be endured, far more streamlined process. continued to deliver innovative products.
operators, drone electricians, pilots and rather than enjoyed. Rob Scholl, Senior Vice President of Sales
According to Surf Air, a private air travel
more for the industry. But flying doesn’t have to be like this, and club based in California, customers can and Marketing at Textron Aviation, told
HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAMMES for some, it isn’t. arrive just 15 minutes before take-off when Bloomberg that his company had pros-
Increasingly, those with the financial
OFFER LOW-COST TO NO-COST means to do so are taking to the skies sur- travelling aboard its aircraft. As a result, pered over the past few years because it
For high school students in Arizona, there rounded by a little more luxury. According Surf Air members save an average of two almost always had “something new to be
talking to customers about”. Many other
are spots available in aviation programmes to Honeywell Aerospace, multinational hours per flight. In addition, when flying private aviation firms are looking at novel
at little or no cost at institutions like firms and wealthy individuals will purchase privately, individuals are in charge of the ways of capturing additional clients.
Western Maricopa Education Centre COMMUNITY COLLEGE AVIATION drone electronics. It has programmes for nearly 8,000 new private jets over the next scheduling - it’s simply a case of picking a
(West-MEC), East Valley Institute of PROGRAMMES EXPANSION adults as well. decade, adding to the 4,600 or so that date and times that suits them best. Priva-
Technology (EVIT) and South Mountain At the college level, there are many East Valley Institute of Technology (EVIT) already frequent the skies. cy, safety and comfort also receive a boost. A CUT ABOVE THE REST
High School. offerings for aviation at both public and serves the East Valley including Mesa, This growth is being driven by techno- Some private jet operators are ramping
At West-Mec in the West Valley, a two- private schools including Cochise and Chandler and Gilbert, offers aviation logical innovation, with the recent launch up the convenience of their services to Another firm that stands out from its
competitors is Swiss aircraft manufacturer
year programme and certification in its Pima community colleges. programmes including training to earn an of several new aircraft models pushing stand out in an increasingly competitive Pilatus. The company, which was founded
aviation and drone programmes cost high Last year, Pima Community College FAA private pilot’s licence. Eighty-eight demand to new heights. market. Many have embraced digital tech- in 1939 to carry out maintenance work for
school students (US) $500. Students in the received (US) $15 million to expand its percent of high school students in the But even with orders flying in, there may nology to allow clients to schedule trips the Swiss Air Force, has a long history of
adult programme pay about (US) $14,000. aviation technology programme to dou- aviation programme earn their private be trouble ahead for the private jet mar- using their smartphones, and some operate breaking new ground.
a business model where customers pay a
Many high school students come from ble student enrolment. pilot licence and/or unmanned aircraft ket. As aviators opt to fly for commercial
In the 1950s, its PC-6 craft used tail-
low-income neighbourhoods and are able The new space is set to open in 2021. systems remote pilot certificate. Adult airliners - where salaries can be higher and flat rate in exchange for almost unlimited wheels to provide extra clearance from the
usage. “Surf Air boasts a first-of-its-kind air
to move into high paying jobs upon gradu- It offers aviation technician and aircraft programmes, too.
ation, said Greg Donovan, superintendent airframe mechanics certifications. Many South Mountain High School in
of West-MEC, which serves 48 high schools of its students are moving into defence Phoenix offers private pilot’s certificate
throughout the West and North Valley in industry jobs in the Tucson region. programmes without cost. Since its
the Phoenix metro region. Arizona’s aviation industry continues to inception, the programme has produced
“After completion of the programme, stu- grow, and it is home to one of the busiest over 400 pilots. The programme also
dents walk away with their Federal Aviation airports in the world, Sky Harbour Interna- provides students with academic and
Administration (FAA) airframe, general, and tional Airport. The industry generates more hands-on training in areas like air traffic
power plant certifications. This means they than 470,000 jobs and contributes more control, and airframe and power plant
are ready to work in the lucrative aviation than (US) $38 billion annually to the econ- maintenance.
industry and become financially indepen- omy, according to the Arizona Commerce Pima Community College, which is
dent,” Donavan said. Authority. undergoing an expansion of its pro-
Aviation maintenance students work In addition to 83 airports throughout the gramme and facilities, offers aviation
with industry veterans in an airplane state, it is home to hundreds of defence technician and aircraft airframe
hangar with small aircraft and a Learjet. companies and 20 military installations. mechanics certifications.
Major airlines and aviation and aero- Top companies like Raytheon Missile Cochise Community College celebrat-
nautics industries and schools partner Systems, General Dynamics C4 Systems, ed its 50th anniversary of its aviation
with or are on the West-MEC’s adviso- BAE Systems, and ATK’s Integrated Weapon programme last year. In addition to a
ry council -companies like American Systems. professional pilot programme, it offers
Airlines, Honeywell, Hawaiian Airlines, certifications in aerospace thermal
Concord Aviation, MD Helicopters, WHAT IS ON OFFER IN THE STATE? fusion, aerospace welding technolo-
Performance air group, Lufthansa, West-Mec in Glendale offers training and gy, unmanned aerial system operator,
Fire-tec Aero Systems and Embry-Riddle FAA certification programmes in airframe, unmanned aerial vehicle flight operator,
University. general and power plant certifications, and and more. Q
World Airnews | March 2020 World Airnews | March 2020
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