Page 35 - World Airnews Magazine May Edition 2021
P. 35


 QATAR MOVING FORWARD                                                NBAA will be moving into the Las Vegas Convention

                                                                         Centre's West Hall expansion for the 2021 BACE
                                                                            that will be held in person on October 12-14

 Travel agents are being looked after with
 bonus commission while cargo services are
 n a world where many airlines are   providing a critical source of income.

 Icutting back on flights and reduc-  Fouad joined Qatar Airways in January
 ing capacity, Qatar Airways is moving   after more than 13 years with Emirates

 forward, playing to its strengths to ride   and said he was enticed by an effective

 out the effects of the global coronavirus   strategic system, flexible asset register and
 pandemic.   people-centric company culture.
 One way it has done this in the South   Fouad commended the carrier’s response
 African market is by boosting capacity   to the pandemic and its commitment to its
 and by taking the needs of that market,   global trade agreements.
 and its travel agency partners, into con-  “When you sign a treaty with the author-

 sideration.  ities of a country that says you are going to

 Although a recent ban by British author-  service so many flights, you service them.

 ities on commercial flights from Qatar,   You meet your responsibility. We have

 (Somalia, Oman and Ethiopia too) is an-  honoured ours in a situation when many
 other spanner in the works, Qatar Airways   others have suspended their responsibili-
 is busy scaling up its operations in other   ty,” he said.

 markets, including South Africa, where it   The vacuum in capacity has had serious

 increased its weekly schedule to 28 flights   implications for intermediaries, Fouad said.
 per week.  “If those agents don’t have seats to sell, it
 The new South Africa timetable came   means no money in their wallet. They are

 into play last month with 28 weekly flights   unable to pay their bills, salaries; unable to

 between Doha and South Africa - three   stick to their commitments. If those seats

 weekly flights ex-DUR, seven ex-CPT and 18   aren’t in the market, then there’s no money   While QR’s hub-and-spoke network con-

 ex-JNB.  in the market.”  tinues to expand and contract as countries

 Britain’s latest travel ban is reported to   He described the Maldives as a “good   attempt to control Covid-19 outbreaks,

 be an attempt to avoid new variants of   news” destination for 2021: “When bound-  Fouad said the company is confidently plan-
 coronavirus (Covid-19  aries start to reopen in Europe, you will   ning while vaccine rollouts get underway,

 see a flow there. We also love Thailand. As

 Speaking about the airline’s recovery   soon as Thailand re-opens, I can tell you   and QR plans to operate to as many desti-

 plans and sales strategy for the local mar-  there will be a big pull.”  nations on its route network as regulations   NBAA: FULL STEAM AHEAD
 and border closures will allow.
 ket, QR’s regional manager for Southern   Traditionally, the lion’s share of QR’s

 Africa, Fouad Caunhye, said the carrier’s   traffic in South Africa has come from a   By mid-February, flights had resumed to

 strategy was to leverage its mix of aircraft   combination of ‘pure leisure’, religious and   more than 130 of approximately 160 global   By Kerry Lynch

 and maintain as much of its operation and   VFR traffic.   destinations and new destinations intro-

 network as possible during the global pan-  duced this year include Seattle and Luanda.

 demic, even if it meant that services were   “We are very fortunate - we can afford to    Fouad said, “While everyone else is hold-  in Las Vegas. This year, that space concur-  by creating a pledge for participants to

 not always profitable, or popular.   wait for corporate demand,” Fouad said.  ing back, we are moving forward.” Q  rently will be occupied by a different con-  meet certain sustainable goals. Certain

                BAA is ramping up on prepara-  vention staged by the National Association   initiatives that are still being ironed out

        Nti ons for its fi rst live in-person   of Broadcasters.                but could include reduction in the use
                                              Strong was encouraged by the early re-
         convention to be held since the pandemic   sponses to this year’s convention following   of paper, recycling or managing food to

 A high level  took hold last year - the 2021 NBAA-BACE   the toll that the pandemic has taken on   eliminate waste.
                                                                                  Strong said such a programme would not
         - with the exhibitor application deadlines

 delegation  having expired and 60 percent of space   in-person events. All the major exhibitors   be mandatory but exhibitors might meet
                                             are returning, he said, and a handful of

         already booked.                     OEMs are preparing to “make a big splash,”   some of the goals initially built on this in

 A high-level delegation   Speaking during a recent webinar Chris               future years.
 led by Maltese prime   Strong, senior vice president of conven-  mock ups that will be brought on display.  The event will be held in accordance with

 minister Robert Abela, left   tions and membership for NBAA, said the   As in past years, the static display is   prevailing health and safety guidelines.

 Malta for Mitiga Airport                    planned to take place at the Henderson   Given that “it’s a bit of a moving target

 in Libya recently using this   feedback NBAA is getting for the October   Executive Airport about 13 miles south of   at this point,” Strong said some of these

         event in Las Vegas, is ‘the timing is right’
 NyxAir Saab 340A. The   and ‘we are optimistic we will be in a posi-  Las Vegas.  guidelines will be posted in about 100

 aircraft flew in the day   tion to have a very safe show’.  Meanwhile, some 87 percent of those   days. The biggest challenge, he said, is

 before from Bratislava. The                 responding to an earlier attendees survey   on the international side and working

 twin turboprop brought   While Las Vegas has become a biennial   said they would return to live events when   through issues to help enable attendees

 back the delegation   location for the association’s hallmark   the pandemic eases, 75 percent said they   from outside the US.

 after 3pm on the same   event, it will have a new look this year   do not anticipate travel restrictions at that   Dr. Matt Friedman, the medical director

 day as NYX7513.  because the convention will be housed in   time, and 90 percent said the rollout of

         the (US) $980 million West Hall expansion   vaccinations was giving them confidence.   for CrowdRx which is helping NBAA manage

         that added 1.4 million feet²  of convention-  NBAA plans to follow up with a subsequent   the health and safety protocols, said no
 Photo by: Mario Caruana   al space, including 600,000 feet ² of exhibit   survey in upcoming weeks.  decision has been made at this point about

                                                                                related guidelines for show attendees. Q

 / MAviO News  floor space that will enable the entire show   Also new this year will be a sustainabil-
         to be housed in a single hall.      ity pledge. Strong said trade shows are

           Previously, NBAA exhibitors had been   “notoriously not sustainable” but the   Article courtesy: https://www.ainonline.

         split between the North and Central Halls   NBAA is hoping to take a leadership role   com/aviation-news/
 World Airnews | May 2021                           World Airnews | May 2021
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