Page 22 - World Airnews News July 2020 Edition
P. 22


                                  HELICOPTER MAKERS TO

                                  INSTALL 'BLACK BOXES'

             In this file photo released by the NTSB board – investigator Carol Hogan examines wreckage of helicopter crash near

                 Calabasas, California that killed NBA basketball player Kobe Bryant, this 13 year old daughter and seven others
                                           for the NTSB.                       encourage manufacturers to add more

                                             The NTSB's move is highly unusual. The   recorders to their aircraft.

             ederal safety investigators bypassed   board investigates accidents but has no   The NTSB made its request to Sikorsky,

       Faviati on regulators recently and   authority to make regulations; that falls to   Airbus Helicopters, Bell, Leonardo, MD
        urged leading helicopter manufacturers   the FAA. The board said it recommended   Helicopters and Robinson. The companies

        to install so-called black boxes that would   flight-data and cockpit-voice recorders in   did not immediately comment.
                                           2013 and 2015, but the FAA did not act.
                                                                                Sikorsky manufactured the helicopter
        help determine the cause of crashes such   The request for image-recording capability   that crashed in January near Calabasas,
        as the one that killed former NBA star   is new.                       California, killing Bryant, his daughter
        Kobe Bryant.                         The FAA has required flight-data re-  and seven others. It did not have black

         The National Transportation Safety   corders on helicopter ambulances since   boxes. If it did, “that would have helped us

        Board appealed directly to six manufactur-  2018. In a recent statement the FAA said   significantly in this investigation and other

        ers after the Federal Aviation Administra-  it encouraged other helicopter operators   investigations,” NTSB member Jennifer

        tion failed to act on the board's recom-  to use data-gathering systems and analyze   Homendy said days after the crash. "It is

        mendations to require the          the information to improve safety.  something we have recommended several

        devices on most helicopters.         In 2016, then-FAA Administrator Michael   times over a number of years.”

         The safety board said turbine-powered   Huerta agreed that crash-resistant record-  Pressure was growing on FAA to require
        helicopters should record data, audio and   er systems provide additional information   recorders on more helicopters even be-

        images during flight.              about the actions of helicopters and crews   fore the Bryant crash, which is still under

         The NTSB identified seven crash investi-  but said the agency would not require   investigation.

        gations between 2011 and 2017 in which   them because it couldn’t calculate a   The top Senate Democrat, Charles

        it said the lack of recorder information   cost-benefit ratio.         Schumer of New York, urged the FAA to

        slowed its ability to find potential safety   “In today’s rulemaking environment, we   require the devices last year after a heli-

        issues.                            have no way of estimating the number of   copter crashed on the roof of a Manhat-

         The more information we have, the   lives that could be saved or the number of   tan skyscraper, killing the pilot. Schumer

        better we can understand not only the   future accidents that could be prevented   called the FAA’s inaction “cause for serious

        circumstances of a crash, but what can be   with the use of this additional data,”   concern.” Q

        done to prevent future accidents,” said   Huerta told the NTSB.        Article courtesy: https://www.heraldpal-

        Dana Schulze, director of aviation safety   He said the FAA decided instead to

                                                   World Airnews | July  2020
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