Page 46 - World Airnews News July 2020 Edition
P. 46
by Wallace Mawire
astjet Zimbabwe has announced the
Fairline's submission to operate a mis-
sion specific charter flight in support of the
repatriation needs of both Zimbabwean and
South African nationals for travel between
Harare and Johannesburg and vice versa.
On Friday 29 May 2020, the airline met
with final approvals from the relevant au-
thorities in Zimbabwe and South Africa.
It is reported that the first repatriation
flight arrangement is wholly intended for
nationals and permanent residents of both
countries presently stranded who are return-
ing home. it is added that the arrangement is
a demonstration of the excellent cooperation
and relations between the Republic of Zimba-
bwe and the Republic of South Africa.
it is also added that the airline acknowl- prescribed industry and regulator safety ca and vice versa for the week commencing
edges and expresses gratitude to the standards introduced for COVID19. 07 June 2020.
respective ministries and delegations staff He said that over the last few weeks, they It is also added that ,in the meantime,
of both countries for the collaboration and had many customers reach out to them the airline’s scheduled network operation
unwavering support demonstrated and asking for assistance in helping them return remains highly dependent on the lockdown
provided to the airline. home, and are pleased that this is now travel restrictions and opening of borders
Fastjet Zimbabwe Accountable Manager, becoming a reality. in this context.
Mr. Ed Berry stated that all repatriation The flights scheduled to operate from Fri- "The fastjet team remains mobilised to
flight arrangements are in full compliance day, 29 May is fully subscribed to, however welcome all customers on board its aircraft
with the lockdown regulations for Zimba- fastjet Zimbabwe is continuing discussions as soon as possible and in complete safety
bwe and South Africa and will be coordi- with the relevant regulators and authorities and reiterates its commitment to assist
nated with the relevant authorities and the for additional repatriation flight arrange- as many stranded Zimbabwean and South
service partners with full adherence to the ments between Zimbabwe and South Afri- African travellers," Berry said. Q
by Wallace Mawire
medical equipment and supplies towards to service domestic routes HRE/BUQ/
the fight against covid-19 from Beijing to VFA/HRE in the mornings with a second
ir Zimbabwe has shifted its focus Harare using their B767-200ER. It is reported frequency in the evening bringing the much
Ato uti lising its equipment for spe- that the airline's marketing team is working needed travel convenience to business and
cial passenger and cargo charter flights at a to confirm more of such charter flights. The tourist day trippers including schools and
time when many airlines globally are facing strategy is anticipated to ensure that the other institutions. It is added that the same
operational challenges due to the covid-19 national airline generates some revenue to aircraft will also link Victoria Falls and Dar
pandemic. support resumption of operations post the es Salaam operated as VFA/HRE/DAR/HRE/
According to Firstme Vitori, Air Zimbabwe covid-19 pandemic. VFA on the same day three times weekly.
Spokesperson, the covid-19 pandemic has "I must also add that during this period we Vitori said that once travel restrictions
had a global impact with airline operations have managed to successfully complete a have been lifted, the Embraer (ERJ145) will
grinding to a complete halt due to travel scheduled maintenance check (D-Check) on be brought to serviceability and airwor-
restrictions and closure of airports, including our B737-200 thanks to our experienced team thiness including recurrent training for the
airspaces for passenger movements except of local engineers," Vitori said. respective crews. The aircraft will operate
for special repatriations. It is also reported that the aircraft is HRE/JNB/HRE twice daily, JNB/BUQ/JNB
"Air Zimbabwe was not spared either as going through test flights and assessments four times a week among other proposed
we suspended all domestic and regional until. Final certification for serviceability routes. Proposed additional routes for Air
passenger flights," Vitori said. and airworthiness. Zimbabwe's fleet will include Cape Town,
She added that the airline recently Vitori added that post the covid-19 Lusaka, Lubumbashi and Kinshasa through
successfully executed one cargo charter of pandemic, the aircraft will be deployed to Dubai. Q
World Airnews | July 2020
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