Page 56 - World Airnews News July 2020 Edition
P. 56


                                   BUSINESS AVIATION MUST BE


                                            have promised to support both the
                                            public and private sector and we want our   governments. He would like to see help for
                                                                               employee-related costs so companies can
         Airlines have become the poster boys   industry to be included within that.”  keep staff and a clear structure detailing
          of Covid-19 casualties. Unsurprisingly,   Letters requesting support for the   how governments will support the private
          governments across the world have leapt   business aviation sector have already   sector.
          to the aid of their national flag carriers and   been sent to the governments of the UAE,   “We are following up with the relevant
          pledged staggering amounts of cash to try   Saudi, Morocco, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia   departments and they are beginning to
                                            and Bahrain. So far, the response from
          and shield carriers from a (US) $314 billion   governments has included a number   count business aviation. At the beginning
          revenue onslaught.                of discussions and some charges being   they weren’t but after our pressure they
           High profile beneficiaries include the likes   waived.              are. They are considering us as an import-
          of Air-France KLM, various US airlines and   In addition to rent deferrals, some airport   ant player because we play an important
          Emirates. The major aerospace manu-  parking fees have been waived and the   role in the economy,” Alnaqbi said.
          facturers too have been promised direct   concessions are helping the industry to a
          support. While it is of course comforting to   degree.
          see governments generally viewing airlines   However, some business aviation firms   BUSINESS AVIATION IN A POST-
          as crucial keystones in economies, with the   are facing a serious liquidity crunch, the   PANDEMIC WORLD
          limelight set on airlines there is a risk that   same as airlines, and have had to send
          business aviation may be forgotten and left   employees on unpaid leave. If support   No one really knows how the airline
          out of support packages.          is not stepped up before the crisis ends,   industry will look after the pandemic has
           That is the concern of Ali Ahmed Alnaqbi,   the industry could get to the point where   subsided and the same can be said for
          founding and executive chairman of   companies begin shutting down.    business aviation. How the industry might
                                                                               look in a post-Covid-19 world is a topic
          MEBAA (The Middle East & North Africa   Alnaqbi said that while discussions are   being discussed not just by MEBAA but also
          Business Aviation Association). He has   promising and concessions are welcome,   the International Business Aviation Council
          agreed that governments must support   there is a need for more robust direct   (IBAC). Alnaqbi is very clear about the
          airlines in times of crisis but wants them   support and greater structure from   role he wants business aviation to play in
          to remember that business aviation is
          a sector that complements commercial
           “We fly to the places airlines cannot
          reach and help them to extend their
          reach. We work together with airlines
          and we would love to be seen as a
          partner,” Alnaqbi said. “We understand
          governments supporting the airlines
          but they cannot ignore our industry
          because we also play a major role in the
           In recent weeks, Alnaqbi has been
          lobbying governments to include the
          business aviation sector within support
           He first asked MEBAA members to list
          the challenges they are facing and using
          the feedback, sent a series of letters to
          relevant aviation authorities across the
          MENA region.
           “Operators want to be able to start
          flying as soon as they can. The main
          concern for them is that they do not
          want to shut down operations. They
          want some concessions and support in
          most areas. They don’t know how long
          this will go on for and without support
          we will not be able to go on like this
          without operators having to think about
          shutting down.
           “Business aviation can restart much
          quicker than airlines so we must be
          included in recovery plans. Governments

                                                   World Airnews | July Extra 2020
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