Page 64 - World Airnews News July 2020 Edition
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wellbeing. We urge the Middle East states Measures include:
to swiftly implement the guidelines so we Physical distancing to the extent feasible
IATA and the Airports Council can ensure truly harmonised and effective and implementation of adequate risk-based
International (ACI) Asia-Pacific are measures across the region and passengers measures where distancing is not feasible,
joining the International Civil Aviation can return to air travel with confidence. As for example in aircraft cabins;
rightly stated in the ICAO guidance, states
Organization Middle East (ICAO MID) in should continuously readjust the measures • Wearing of face coverings and masks
urging governments of the Middle East depending on their effectiveness to reduce by passengers and aviation workers;
to implement ICAO’s global guidelines for the risk of transmission and scalability, • Routine sanitation and disinfection
restoring safe air connectivity. especially as soon as traffic ramps up again of all areas with potential for human
These guidelines are contained in to certain volumes of traffic. Airports need contact and transmission;
Takeoff: Guidance for Air Travel through the health authorities to work cooperatively • Health screening, which could
COVID-19 Public Health Crisis, which was with them to adapt physical distancing include pre- and post-flight self-dec-
approved by the ICAO Council on 1 June to specific layout and operations, “said larations, as well as temperature
2020. Stefano Baronci, director general, ACI screening and visual observation,
“Air connectivity is critical to economic Asia-Pacific. “conducted by health professionals”;
and sustainable development in the Middle • Contact tracing for passengers
East, effective recovery of air transport IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON AVIATION and aviation employees: updated
in the region is essential to support the IN THE MIDDLE EAST contact information should be
economy post COVID-19. The key prin- COVID-19 has devastated the air transport requested as part of the health
ciples, recommendations and guidelines industry in the Middle East. self-declaration, and interaction
of CART Report and Take-off Document, between passengers and govern-
provide governments with a framework Demand in terms of passenger volumes is ments should be made directly
for restarting aviation while protecting forecast to fall 56% in 2020 year-on-year though government portals;
public health; and are intended to inform for airlines and 47% for airports. Airlines in • Passenger health declaration forms,
and align the COVID-19 recovery roadmaps the region are expected to post a net loss including self-declarations in line
established by States or industry. This is a of (US)$4.8 billion this year as passenger with the recommendations of rele-
‘living guidance’ which will be continuously revenues vant health authorities. Electronic
updated based on the latest medical and tools should be encouraged to avoid
operational advice and risk assessments paper;
as the world starts to reconnect. • Testing: if and when real-time,
Governments and industry stakeholders rapid and reliable testing becomes
can have certainty as they take action to available.
get the world flying again,” said ICAO’s The organisations are also urging states
acting regional director for the Middle East, to identify every opportunity where travel
Mohamed Smaoui. restrictions could be lifted, through bilat-
“We are counting on governments in the eral or multilateral arrangements among
Middle East to implement the ICAO Take- countries - as soon as the epidemiological
off Guidance quickly and in a harmonised situation allows for it.
and mutually recognised way, because
the world wants to travel again and needs
airlines to play a key role in the economic decline by (US) $24 billion compared to the
recovery. The guidance recognises that previous year. SUPPORTING THE RESTART OF THE
social distancing is not possible on an air- INDUSTRy
craft, therefore supports face coverings as Airports in the region estimated total ICAO, IATA and ACI Asia-Pacific also
part of a layered risk mitigation approach. revenue loss of (US) $7billion, representing pledged their commitment to providing
And recommends contact tracing which a 52% year-on-year decline in 2020. support to industry stakeholders in the
should give governments the confidence Job losses in aviation and related industries region to help ensure implementation and
to open borders without quarantine in the region could reach 1.2 million and compliance with the recommended ICAO
measures. Local deviations and exceptions GDP supported by aviation could fall by Take-off Guidelines.
will damage public confidence and make (US) $66 billion. Before the COVID-19 crisis “Aviation is facing the biggest challenge
it harder to operate effectively slowing aviation supported 2.4 million jobs in the of its history: safely restarting international
down the industry restart. This would be region and generated (US) $130 billion in connectivity while ensuring that aviation
harmful to public health and the economic GDP. is not a meaningful source for the spread
recovery,” said Muhammad Albakri, IATA’s of COVID-19 is not an option but rather a
regional vice president for Africa and the A PHASED APPROACH necessity. We need all hands-on deck to
Middle East. The ICAO Guidance proposes a phased get the industry up and running again and
“Safety and security are the industry’s approach to restarting aviation and are committed to making the journey as
main priority, and both are firmly identifies a set of generally applicable seamless and risk free as possible. We will
entrenched into every airport’s operations risk-based measures which, in line with collaborate support states to implement
and corporate culture. Building on this recommendations and guidance from these guidelines in the fastest and most
track record, the ICAO Take-off Guidance public health authorities, will mitigate the efficient way and encourage governments
document is fully aligned with our indus- risk of transmission of the COVID-19 virus and other industry stakeholders to reach
try’s focus on passenger and employee during the travel process. out to us for support,” said Albakri.Q
World Airnews | July Extra 2020
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