Page 73 - World Airnews News July 2020 Edition
P. 73


          Kenya Airways by 35 percent.      in Africa. We had also built a state-of-the-  countries. What did happen there?
                                            art cargo terminal at our main hub Addis   Tewolde Gebremariam:  No one thought
                                            Ababa Bole International Airport which can   that an airline from a developing African
          The Reporter: What strategy are   handle 1.2 million tons of cargo per annum.  country would come to serve South
          you implementing to withstand the   Since March, we were busy transporting   American countries such as Brazil and
          current adverse impacts of COVID-19?  lifesaving equipment like PPE from China   Argentina. But this is what happened.
           Tewolde Gebremariam :When we     to Europe, the US and South America. We   Many people were dying in Europe in
          prepared the Vision 2025 growth strategy   transported lifesaving medical equipment   March. There was shortage of ventilators.
          some ten years ago we were looking at   to France, Spain and Italy. You see our   The South American countries ordered
          the idea of having diversified businesses.   cargo planes in major European airports.  for ventilators from China. The ventilators
          It was a very debatable subject. Some                                were transported via Europe and the US.
          argued that business diversification has                             While en route to Brazil and Argentina
          caused the demise of airlines. We looked   The Reporter: There are giant cargo   during a stopover in the US for refuelling in
          at Lufthansa and British Airways. British   airlines like Lufthansa Cargo, Turkish   Miami ventilators were taken.
          Airways had catering business, cargo, MRO   Cargo, Qatar, and Etihad Cargo. How   So they ordered ventilators to be
          (Maintenance Repair and Overhaul), and it   did Ethiopian Cargo compete with   transported by Ethiopian cargo. These
          also had a hotel at one time.     these giants and won contracts?    ventilators were transported from China
           The then management of British Airways   Tewolde Gebremariam : For big compa-  via Addis Ababa to Brazil and Argentina.
          decided to spin of the businesses and to   nies to make a swift turn is a bit difficult.   And they were very grateful.
          focus on passenger transport as their core   It takes time for giant companies to make
          business.                         a change in their business strategies.
           On the other hand, Lufthansa expanded   The cargo market boom was a sudden   The Reporter: Is the revenue generat-
          its aviation group. Today, Lufthansa Technik   phenomenon. Ethiopian Airlines is a   ed from cargo operation helping you
          is the leading MRO center in the world.   flexible company. We have an experienced   to stay afloat?
          Their catering company Sky Chef is also the   management team with rich experience   Tewolde Gebremariam: Until the
          leading catering company. They have built   and we immediately made the decision to   COVID-19 pandemic Ethiopian Airlines
          one of the biggest cargo airline, Lufthansa   exploit the cargo market. We do not have   was on growth mode. After the impacts of
          Cargo. Lufthansa Systems produces flight   a cumbersome bureaucracy. If you do not   COVID-19 began to bite we put the airline
          control system. It has a big market share   use the opportunity quickly it will go away.  on survival mode.  We are not working for
          and we also use their flight control systems.                        loss and profit. We are working on cash
          So Lufthansa has become a successful                                 basis to ensure the survival of the airline.
          aviation group.                   The Reporter: How much cargo did
           Considering the situation in Ethiopia we   you transport in the past few months?  We are working on cost reduction
          have chosen having a diversified business                            aggressively. We are reducing our cost as
                                                                               much as we can. We are using the revenue
          units. That is the pillar of Vision 2025.   Tewolde Gebremariam: In March we   we generate from cargo and aircraft
          We have Ethiopian Cargo, MRO, Aviation   transported 10,300 tons of cargo, in April   maintenance operations to cover our fixed
          Academy, Catering and Ground Handling.   13,600 tons and up to mid May 6000 tons.   costs. We are servicing the loans we took
          We have also established Ethiopian Skylight   We transported a large amount of air   for aircraft purchases and we are paying
          Hotel and ventured into airport operation.   freight.                aircraft leases. We are paying salaries. We
          We made substantial investment on                                    are reducing costs and covering our fixed
          Ethiopian Cargo and Logistics.                                       costs.
           Though it was a debatable subject we   The Reporter: Can you tell us about
          believed in having a diversified business   the cargo market surge?
          units and today we have reaffirmed that it   Tewolde Gebremariam:  The cargo
          was a right decision. It was a well thought   market has increased by 50 percent. It was   The Reporter: How much is your
          out plan. When the passenger market has   wise decision for us to focus on cargo and   monthly salary expense?
          come to a standstill, cargo is the market   MRO market back in March. We call these   Tewolde Gebremariam:  Our salary
          that we could look at.            business ‘Corona Free’.            expense is around 650 million birr.
           In March the executive management   We deployed the ten B777s we have
          members sat down and after we deliberat-  but they were not enough to serve the
          ed on the unfolding situation we decided   increasing air cargo market. So converted   The Reporter: To all your 17,000
          that we should focus on cargo operation.   some of our passenger aircraft into cargo.   permanent and contract employees?
          When we decided to concentrate on cargo   At the beginning we used the passenger
          operation, the cargo market boomed. The   aircraft. We load up to 60 tons of cargo in   Yes, our total monthly salary expense
          Chinese market was closed in February and   the big passenger aircraft and up 40 tons   is around 650 million birr. We service our
          March. As you know the China is the global   of cargo in the mid-size passenger aircraft.   debt and settle aircraft lease payments. In
          manufacturing hub. The factories were   We load the cargo on the seats. But we   March we decided not to lay off employees
          closed. Goods could not be transported.   feared that it will harm the seats in the   and not to cut salaries unless situation is
          When the Chinese manufacturers resumed   long run so after consultations with the   beyond our control.
          operation most of the goods which was   aircraft manufacturers, Boeing and Airbus,   This is not the US and Europe where you
          transported by sea came to air transport.  our engineers took out the seats and made   have social well fair payments. So staff lay
           Second, COVID-19 life saving equipment   them suitable to carry cargo. We have   off is not an easy decision to make. That
          like face masks, hand gloves, testing kits,   converted 25 passenger into cargo planes.  is our last resort. You do not make it a
          have to be transported by air because                                priority option. We are reducing our cost
          speed was very important. Those who                                  as much as we can and use the revenue
          prepared themselves can exploit the   The Reporter: Recently, the Financial   we generate to cover our basic costs. The
          market which was created abruptly. With   Times reported that Ethiopian Airlines   majority of our income, 85 percent, comes
          ten B777s and two B737 freighter aircraft   Cargo came to rescue Latin American   from passenger transport and 15 percent
          Ethiopian Airlines is the largest cargo airline                      comes from cargo and MRO. The revenue

                                                   World Airnews | July Extra 2020
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