Page 12 - World Airnews Magazine May 2020 Edition
P. 12

The four fans on the tail fin replace the                 GENERAL

                HELICOPTER                                              traditional large tail rotor, part of Bell's system              AVIATION
                                                                          to make helicopters quieter, and potentially

                                                                               more manoeuvrable. Photo credit BELL
                                                                                                                                                          PIPER BUILDS MEDICAL FACE
                                                                                                                                                          SHIELDS DURING PANDEMIC

                                                                                                                                      iper Aircraft, based in Vero Beach,

                                                                                                                               PFlorida, in the USA has set up a
                                                                                                                                small assembly line to manufacture thou-

                                                                                                                                sands of plastic medical protective face

                                                                                                                                shields for area hospitals during the novel
                                                                                                                                corona virus pandemic.
                                                                                                                                  It also plans to donate more than 1,300
                                                                                                                                3M-brand N95-approved masks to the
                                  BELL'S NEW DESIGN COULD                                                                       Cleveland Clinic Indian River Memorial
                                                                                                                                Hospital in Vero Beach.

                                                                                                                                  Production plans for the face shields,
                                  MAKE HELICOPTERS                                                                              made from plastic, industrial tape, foam

                                                                                                                                and elastic, are growing.
                                                                                                                                  What started as an idea to make 2,000
                                  QUIETER - AND SAFER                                                                           shields for the Cleveland Clinic has grown to   whether Piper could assist.   were awaiting another plastic shipment,

                                                                                                                                10,000 and then to more than 50,000 for ad-
                                                                                                                                                                                                       expected to be delivered later that day.
                                                                                                                                                                     Initially, Piper said it would make 2,000

                                                                                                                                ditional Cleveland Clinic hospitals in Florida.

                                                                                                                                                                                                         “The challenge is to get enough plastic,” Car-

                                           replaced them with electric wires,” Bell   Also, because the system is fly-by-wire,    Other hospitals are contacting Piper as well.   face shields, Carlon said.   lon said. “We sourced everything we could.”
                                                                                                                                                                     “Then the hospital called and said, ‘Could
                                                                                                                                  “Calls are coming in every day,” said Jack-
                                           programme manager Eric Sinusas said.   meaning controlled electrically rather than   ie Carlon, Piper senior director of market-  you make 10,000?’ Now, the number is likely   At the same time, Piper, Vero Beach’s

             ince helicopters appeared some   “We realized that we don’t actually need   through mechanical linkages, the computer   ing and communications.        to grow beyond the 50,000 in the plan, she   largest employer, continues to build aircraft

       S80 years ago, they’ve used a single   that driveshaft and gearbox that we’ve had   can control the fans. This can potentially                               said. The company is charging a nominal fee to   but at a slower rate than normal.

                                                                                                                                  In less than a week, Piper moved from
        high-speed tail rotor to counteract the   for the last 80 or so years.”  eliminate the need for the pilot to have to use   an idea to prototypes and production.   cover costs but is not out to make a big profit.   The aircraft are sold but many buyers can’t

        torque of the main rotor, stabilizing the   That transition required considerable   the pedals at all. An automated version of the   The company has the ability to produce    “We’re doing this because it’s the right   travel to Florida to pick them up. Many flight

        aircraft in flight. But that rotor is both the   engineering effort and high-precision soft-  EDAT would thus be a form of autopilot.  thousands of face shields daily as long as it   thing to do,” Carlon said.   schools have temporarily closed.

        key source of noise for helicopters and a   ware to make the system safe and reliable.   Finally, the system will help with the cur-  can procure the plastic it needs. That is the   It is a critical time for the community, the   “We’re stacking them up,” Carlon said

        big safety risk while on the ground.  EDAT doesn’t run off a battery, but instead   rent rush toward the electrification of air-  challenge,” Carlon said.   country and the world, said James Funk,   of the finished aircraft. Some private flight

                                                                               craft, particularly air taxis being developed

         Now veteran helicopter manufacturer   draws power from a generator attached to   by Bell and dozens of other companies.   The idea to help in the fight against the   Piper’s chief operations officer. “As a team,   schools or dealers, however, have been

        Bell has a design to replace the mechanical-  the helicopter’s turbine engine.   “It’s certainly a stepping stone toward   virus causing COVID-19 emerged from a   we can make a difference for people in   able to take delivery of their new aircraft.

        ly driven tail rotor assembly with four much   That engine will still generate its usual   electrification, and easier than doing it   regular meeting, she said. Simon Caldecott,   need and directly support those fighting   Piper is also supporting aircraft in the field.

        smaller, shrouded electric fans.   noise, but the racket typically generated   with a full aircraft with a completely new   president and CEO, approached Piper’s   the battle on the front lines of this unprece-  In the meantime, the company is striving

         The new system, unveiled recently after   by the tail rotor - as the rotor tips pass   power train,” Sinusas noted. It also should   manufacturing engineers to ask what the   dented crisis. This is just one small way that   to keep workers as far away from one an-

        footage of its demonstration leaked online,   through the air at high speeds - will be   be easier to certify than a fresh helicopter   company might do to help.   we are trying to help.”    other as possible. It must balance the safe-

        will greatly muffle the aircraft’s sound. It also   reduced. Though Bell hasn’t yet disclosed   design- less than a year versus several   The engineers had been following the short-  The production line, separate from   ty of the employees with their livelihoods

        has the potential to make helicopters safer   the percentage in noise reduction, the   years - because only the anti-torque system   age of personal protective equipment and   aircraft manufacturing, is made up of nine   and the needs of business, Carlon said.

        and easier to fly, and could grease the skids   company says it’s “significant.”  is changing and being electrified.    looking for ways to help. They began discuss-  employees working at least 6 ft. apart.  “If we can balance it and keep them safe

        for future electrified aircraft of all types.  Sinusas said his team chose the four-fan   The system’s generator and motors were   ing face shields and found a pattern online.   Piper can make 40 shields from one large   and where they’re not being exposed, we’ll

         Developed over the last two years and   array because a single larger electric rotor   developed in partnership with French   In the meantime, the head of the Cleve-  sheet of plastic. On March 30, workers   keep working,” Carlon said, at least until there

        tested at the company’s facility in Mirabel,   would be heavier and less responsive, with   engine manufacturer Safran, which already   land Clinic hospital called Caldecott to ask   completed the first batch of 650 shields and   is a government mandate to do otherwise. Q

        Quebec, the ‘electrically distributed an-  more sluggish changes in speed.   supplies engines to Bell and is developing
        ti-torque’ system, or EDAT for short, resem-  Smaller electric fans are also quieter,   electric power train systems for aircraft.

        bles a quad copter drone set vertically inside   which was the primary motivation for   The EDAT technology should be safer

        the Bell 429 helicopter’s rear vertical fin.   developing the system. “Noise has always   than a conventional tail rotor assembly,   UNIVERSAL AVIONICS OPENS ITS DOORS

         EDAT uses the four variable-speed propel-  been there, but it really hasn’t been a   thanks to its minimal maintenance and

        lers to function the same way a conventional   priority to reduce it until recently,” he said.   lubrication needs, and the fact that up

        tail rotor does, by adjusting airflow through   “We’re at the point where locations are   to three of the four fans can fail without                         of Tucson, Pima County, and the Arizona   “We are grateful for the tremendous

        the blades to both keep the fuselage steady   banning helicopter flights because of the   resulting in a loss of control. It’s also safer                    Technology Council, and is a great exam-  outpouring of support to protect our

        and aim it in different directions.   noise levels, and that prompted us to ask   because the fan blades are shrouded and         niversal Avionics has assisted   ple of our community coming together,”   healthcare workers and first respond-

         Pilots use foot pedals to adjust this mo-  how we can solve this.”    they can be turned off as soon as the air-         Uthe local Tucson community in     said Steve Pagnucco, vice president of   ers,” said Daniel Dicochea, director of

        tion, allowing the aircraft to “yaw” left and   Converting the tail rotor to an all-electric   craft touches down, eliminating any chance   protecting healthcare workers and first re-  operations at Universal Avionics.   Hope Worldwide’s Tucson chapter.

        right while, say, in a hover.      system solves other problems. It improves   for bystanders to accidentally walk into the   sponders during the COVID-19 pandemic.   “Within one week of reaching out to   “We want to equip as many of our
         The new system’s trick is in the control   stability because the rotors don’t need to   path of a nearly invisible rotor.   The company provided the non-profit   our partners to see how we could help,   heroes as we can against this pandemic,”

        mechanism. A conventional tail rotor always   be constantly in motion, unlike a conven-  Bell hasn’t indicated a timeline or for   group, Hope Worldwide (Tucson Chap-  we had an assembly line safely set up to   he said. “The production of these shields

        operates at full speed because it’s mechan-  tional tail rotor.        the system to appear on its aircraft, or its        ter), with assembly line space at their   produce much needed personal protec-  is only possible because of community

        ically linked to the main rotor; pilots adjust   The pilot can actually turn the fans off in   cost - except to say that operating costs   Tucson headquarters to manufacture   tive equipment,” he said.  donors and volunteers.”

        the pitch of the blades to control airflow.   forward flight, as the vertical fin they’re em-  should fall because of reduced mainte-  medical face masks and shields.  “On behalf of Universal Avionics, I   To learn more about Hope Worldwide’s

         By contrast, the new electric fans control   bedded within stabilises the aircraft. (Conven-  nance needs. It seems likely, however, that   “This plan was developed in coordina-  would like to thank everyone involved   mission or to volunteer to help create

        airflow by operating at different speeds.   tional tail rotors are only needed for hovering   the biggest impact will be in simply being   tion with the University of Arizona, City   for their incredible responsiveness,   medical face masks and shields, please

        “We got rid of all the mechanical linkages   and low-speed flight, but they run constantly   among the first propulsion systems in the                       co-operation and teamwork.”       visit Q

        that change the pitch of the blades and   because of the link to the main engine.)   sky to go electric. Q
                                                   World Airnews | May 2020                                                                                                 World Airnews | May 2020
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