Page 33 - World Airnews Magazine May 2020 Edition
P. 33
We should all brace for what’s to come; a lot of people won’t fly Air Peace is doing it now and I know a lot of people that would
DOMESTIC AIRLINES MUST for some time after the pandemic. Our domestic airlines need a lot rather fly with the airline to Sharjah than join Emirates to Dubai, it
is a matter of choice. So, I feel we should leave it open.
of collaboration.
AIRLINES ARE? Answer: Synergy is the key. In the world of today, it is all about
Answer: Their jobs are not secured, that is the truth. Let us collaboration not only in aviation but in other industries worldwide
say it the way it is because if an industry is collapsing and it is people collaborate, which is why you see international carriers
supposed to generate money to take care of aircraft and staff forming alliances. If you are travelling today on Virgin Atlantic and
and they are asking for stimuli, realistically, there will be several there is a distraction, you will be immediately moved to maybe Air
job cuts even for those working here, most of them may not France or Lufthansa to take you to your destination. That is what
have a job after this. alliances are about.
The airline industry has subsidiaries that make money from it; if Our local carriers have to build up to that standard because if any
aircraft don’t operate for instance, we won’t have ground handling global carrier wants to have an alliance there are rules and stan-
companies. That means the ground handling companies will lose dards and safety is key, they check records. If I am buying a ticket
a lot of money. Allied companies will lose a lot of money as the from Air Peace and my final destination is China for instance, I can
airports are closed down, the shops, taxis, parking lots etc. The job travel on Air Peace, get to Dubai and with the alliance the airline
losses will be crazy. has with Emirates or Etihad or any of those carriers I can get to my
destination with code-sharing and alliances.
QUESTION: THERE HAVE BEEN CALLS FOR THE FEDERAL In aviation, code-sharing is key, but there are relevant conditions
GOVERNMENT TO RESTRICT FOREIGN FLIGHTS TO ONLY and requirements that must be met before it is done. It is doable.
LAGOS AND ABUJA AND ALLOW DOMESTIC CARRIERS Our domestic carriers have to code-share with foreign carriers.
TO WORK WITH THEM BY BRINGING PASSENGERS Same with the foreign airlines, they can sell tickets all the way to
FROM OTHER CITIES. WHAT IS YOUR TAKE ON THIS? Enugu or different states that all our domestic carriers go to, so
Answer: I am always rather objective. Other countries have not once they get here, passengers can be taken to their final destina-
asked us not to come in. At least we have Air Peace that has been tion by a partnering domestic carrier.
given approval to go to a number of countries, we used to have The foreign airlines and domestic carriers can work this out.
Med-View on the London route, Arik was also on some routes
including New York, Bellview of those days operated international QUESTION: HOW DO YOU THINK DOMESTIC CARRIERS
flights. Bilateral Air Service Agreement is about reciprocity, I don’t CAN BE POSITIONED TO ACHIEVE THIS?
think it is a good idea. Answer: They need government’s support; they can’t do it all
If Turkish Airline can get to Katsina and there is an airport, let alone. My problem with the domestic carriers is that everyone
them go; if they can even get to Owerri and it is an internation- wants to do it their own `way; there is no collaboration.
al airport, let them go. That will also encourage us to be more I expect them to come together, everybody is
serious; we should encourage our own domestic carriers to fly collaborating in the world of today, nobody is doing
international, they can do it. it individually. Internationally, you see Air France- To page 32
impact of the corona virus pandemic. In 2019, African countries lost
about (US) $300m hoping that this year there will be slow growth
ingsley Nwokoma is the president Association of Foreign but now we are looking at a potential loss of (US) $4.4bn.
KAirlines and Representati ves AFARN in Nigeria. He spoke to QUESTION: HOW SOON DO YOU SEE A RECOVERY, DO
Maureen Ihua-Maduenyi about the problems of doing business in YOU THINK IT WILL HAPPEN THIS YEAR AT ALL?
the aviation industry, and other issues.
Answer: It is a major impact; we need to get out of it first before
QUESTION: WHAT IS YOUR ASSESSMENT OF THE we can start talking about recovery. It will be a slow recovery
DAMAGE THE CORONA VIRUS PANDEMIC HAS DONE TO that will take a very long time; it is not going to be an immediate
THE AVIATION INDUSTRY SO FAR? recovery which is why IATA has started asking governments and
Answer: COVID-19 is a big threat to the airline, aviation and airport regulators to support the industry.
business. About one fifth of passenger traffic and almost half of They are even asking Civil Aviation Authorities worldwide to pro-
airlines’ revenue have been wiped out in 2020 following a previ- vide for cargo carriers who are in the forefront of the crisis to have
ously bad 2019. Governments all around the world must act swiftly fast-track procedures of obtaining over flight and landing permits
if we are still going to have aviation industry. According to the and exempting crew from 14-day quarantine as well as removing
Airport Council International, COVID-19 is predicted to wipe out economic impediment such as over flight charges and parking fees
two fifth of passenger traffic and almost half of airports revenue among others.
this year and this is equivalent to 3.6 billion passengers in absolute They are also asking governments to provide financial relief for
term, globally. them, whether we like it or not, air transport industry is important
Globally, the industry was expected to generate about (US) $172bn to economic growth in every part of the world, so, airlines need
but due to the pandemic, we could lose 50 per cent of that or even these packages from governments especially in Africa.
more. If we want to look at Nigeria and according to the Internation- Apparently, it is important that we start to plan now that we
al Air Transport Association, the country is going to lose about 3.5 don’t even know how long the pandemic will last. We are late plan-
million passengers which will result to (US) $760m losses in revenue. ners in Nigeria, we always wait for others before we start but IATA
The worst part is that we are risking over 91, 000 jobs. So, that is a has asked everyone to start planning now because we don’t know
very big problem. Looking at the (US) $4bn African airlines will lose, what will happen. As long as it is still here, the news will remain
it is an ugly scenario and IATA has been asking for support from gov- depressing. So far, the COVID-19 world realities are such that we
ernments. IATA said airlines globally need government to survive the don’t know what tomorrow will bring.
World Airnews | May 2020 World Airnews | May 2020
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