Page 11 - World Airnews Magazine May 2021 Edition Intro
P. 11
THE IRKUT MC-21-300:
By Jake Hardiman
ussian manufacturer Irkut has
Rthrown its hat into the Airbus A320
and Boeing 737 circles - single-aisle, short-
haul market - with its MC-21.
A closer look at the standard variant, the
MC-21-300 shows that this aircraft made its
first test flight in May 2017.
Work on the project began in 2006
and Russia’s United Aircraft Corporation
(UAC) set a goal of producing an aircraft to
replace the three-engine Tupolev Tu-154.
Irkut is a branch of the UAC and the parent
company of fellow Russian aircraft manu-
facturer Yakovlev. In addition to replacing
the older Tu-154, the aircraft was seen as
an opportunity to outshine the Airbus A320 have ranges of 6 300 km (3,400 NM) and 6 development. However, its testing
and Boeing 737 families. 570 km (3,550 NM) respectively. programme has also had a few hiccups
UAC targeted better performance than These figures rank them ahead of the MC- along the way. For example, the onset of
these aircraft in areas such as efficiency, 21-300, but not by a huge margin. the coronavirus pandemic last year forced
fuel consumption, operating costs, weight, As such, with broadly similar specifi- the company to briefly cease these tests.
and list price. cations, airlines will likely decide for or They resumed last April.
As far as the proposed aircraft’s specifica- against the MC-21 based on other factors. In January this year one of the type’s test
tions were concerned, UAC hoped that the For example, operators may favour the aircraft experienced a runway excursion
MC-21 would seat between 130 and 170 pas- established reputation of the A320 and after landing at Moscow Zhukovsky Interna-
sengers. It targeted a range of 5 000 - 6350 737 families over the relatively unproven tional Airport (ZIA) in wintery conditions.
km (2 700 - –3,430 nM). The MC-21’s name is MC-21. Indeed, these aircraft are among Thankfully, its crew members were not
derived from the Russian “Магистральный the most-produced commercial aircraft in hurt, although the aircraft itself did get
Самолёт 21 века,” which means “mainline aviation history. stuck in the adjacent snow.
aircraft of the 21st century.” As far as the MC-21’s engines are con- Moving forward, Irkut hopes that the
SPECIFICATIONS cerned, an interesting choice is available. aircraft will be able to enter commercial
service later this year.
The plane’s two turbofans will be one of two
Irkut’s website comprehensively lists the models, with the standard option being the As far as the aircraft’s orders are con-
specifications of both variants of the MC-21 US-designed Pratt & Whitney PW1400G. cerned, the MC-21 appears to have built up
family. These are the standard MC-21-300 However, last November, a prototype with a decent customer base to date. Accord-
and the short-fuselage MC-21-200. Russian-built engines also emerged. These ing to Flight Global, 175 firm orders have
The MC-21-300 boasts the following specs: turbofans are known as the Aviadvigatel been placed for the aircraft. The majority
• Length – 42.2 metres. PD-14. An 85-minute test flight in Siberia, of these are from Russian customers,
• Wingspan – 35.9 metres. which Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister called although it has also received foreign orders
from Azerbaijan Airlines.
• Height – 11.5 metres. a landmark for the country’s civil aviation Cairo Airlines was another non-Rus-
industry took place recently.
• Two-class capacity – 163 passengers (16 sian operator to have ordered the type,
business class and 147 economy class). Earlier this year, the Russian-designed although this carrier has since folded.
• Maximum capacity – 211 passengers engines reached a further milestone. Interestingly, its orders are far lower than
Specifically, February saw them pass the
(with a 28/29-inch seat pitch). International Civil Aviation Organization’s the Chinese COMAC C919, which has more
• Range – 6,000 km / 3,240 NM (with a (ICAO) emissions tests. Going forward, this than 800 orders to date.
two-class configuration). will allow Aviadvigatel-powered aircraft to This aircraft is also being touted as a po-
• Maximum take-off weight (MTOW) – fly internationally. Furthermore, the com- tential competitor for the Airbus A320neo
79,250 kg. pany will now also be able to sell the PD-14 and Boeing 737 MAX families.
• Cargo volume – 49 cubic meters. to foreign customers. As such, Irkut may find that its MC-21-300
But how does it compare to these two has another plane to compete with in order
next-generation families from the indus- RECENT DEVELOPMENTS to establish itself in the single-aisle, short-
try-dominating Airbus-Boeing duopoly? In The breakthrough with the aircraft’s haul market. Nonetheless, it will certainly
terms of capacity, the MC-21 is closest to Russian-designed engines represented a be interesting to see what the next 12
the A320neo and 737 MAX 8. These aircraft significant milestone in the MC-21-300’s months hold for the aircraft. Q
World Airnews | May 2021
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