Page 33 - World Airnews Magazine November 2020
P. 33
he Boeing Loyal Wingman aircraft being devel-
Toped with the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF)
recently moved under its own power for the first time, a
key milestone for the aircraft that’s expected to make its
first flight this year.
“This latest test marks the first full unmanned move-
ment of the Loyal Wingman with our Australian partners
and takes us a step closer to first flight.”
“Air Force partners with industry to ensure we can find
innovative solutions to meet our future priorities,” said
air vice-marshal Cath Roberts, RAAF head of air force
“Boeing’s Loyal Wingman project is a perfect example
of what this collaborative approach can achieve.”
“Seeing the prototype take to the runway for this low-
speed taxi test is an exciting moment - another signifi- airpower teaming system that Boeing will offer customers world-
cant development milestone ahead of its first flight.” wide.
Reaching a maximum speed of 14 knots (approximately 16 mph, The aircraft will fly alongside other platforms, using artificial
or 26 kilometres per hour), on the ground, the aircraft demonstrat- intelligence for such teaming missions. It has advanced design
ed several activities while manoeuvring and stopping on command. and flight characteristics, including a modular nose section that’s
“The low-speed taxi enabled us to verify the function and inte- customizable for specific needs and a conventional take-off and
gration of the aircraft systems, including steering, braking and en- landing approach suitable for many missions and runway types.
gine controls, with the aircraft in motion,” said Paul Ryder, Boeing “Runway independence ensures the aircraft will be a highly flex-
Australia flight test manager. ible and adaptable system for our global customers,” said Shane
Three Loyal Wingman prototypes will be the foundation for the Arnott, programme director, Boeing airpower teaming system. Q
programs and of this aircraft, which was the Millennium is the right sized platform
developed to set new standards in its for major airlift deployment scenarios.
THE M300 Tmulti -mission aircraft , manufac- class, bringing exceptional performance Minimized intervals and on condition
he Embraer C-390 millennium
complemented by the lowest life-cy-
maintenance, combined with highly
tured by Embraer, has received the grand cle cost in the market,” said Jackson reliable systems and components, reduce
AIRCRAFT laureate in the defence segment and Schneider, president and CEO of Embraer downtime and costs, contributing to
defence and security.
outstanding availability levels and low life
the laureate award for the “Best New
“The C-390 Millennium offers greater
ARE IN Product” in defence from Aviation Week flexibility and value to operators perform- cycle costs.
The C-390 benefits from a modern fly-by-
The citation for the award reads, “The ing air transport and air mobility missions, wire flight control system with integrated
among others.”
technology that lowers the workload of the
SOUTH first C-390 tanker/transport, the largest and In 2009, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) crew and increases the safety of its oper-
most sophisticated aircraft yet developed
by Embraer, was delivered to the Brazilian contracted Embraer to design, develop, and ation. Furthermore, the aircraft can refuel
other aircraft in flight, with the installation
manufacture the C-390 Millennium aircraft
AFRICA Air Force in 2019.” as a replacement for its aging C-130 fleet. of removable internal fuel tanks.
“To receive an award with as much
prestige as the laureate is a very signifi- Deliveries to FAB started in September The aircraft can also be refuelled in flight,
cant acknowledgement of the exceptional 2019. thus providing greater flexibility for longer
system safety approval, and the RLA pro- it means that teams are able to operate in work of all Embraer employees. This is a The C-390, which was recently ordered missions. An advanced self-defence system
cess which took more than three-months inclement weather conditions. substantial recognition of the merits of our by the Portuguese government, is a new increases the aircraft’s survival capability in
to complete. “DJI worked alongside Commercial engineers and the ability of our workforce generation multi-mission transport aircraft hostile environments.
he first in type DJI Matrice 300 RTK that offers unrivalled mobility, fast recon- Equipped with two International Aero
Thas been licenced through a SACAA Sean Reitz, accountable manager for Drones to ensure a swift regulation process to execute the development of such an figuration, high availability, and enhanced Engines V2500 turbofan engines, the latest
and we are excited by what this partnership
accredited ROC holder in South Africa - Drone Ops said, “The DJI M300 RTK is an in- has to offer in the future. advanced product with excellence,” said flight safety, all on a single, exclusive avionics, a rear ramp, and an advanced
dispensable part of our team, giving Drone
Drone Ops. Ops clients’ better data, allowing for more “As Commercial Drones, we look forward Francisco Gomes Neto, Embraer SA presi- platf orm. cargo handling system, the C-390 is capable
dent and CEO.
There is such confidence in the capability effective decision-making, completing to further supporting Drone Ops along with “Embraer's new business strategy seeks The aircraft can perform a variety of mis- of carrying up to 26 metric tons of cargo at
of the M300, that Drone Ops has added an critical operations and missions faster and our many other commercial clients to build to increase revenue and profitability, and sions, such as cargo and troop transport, a maximum speed of 470 knots (870 km/h),
additional 16 units of the M300 RTK aircraft more effectively than ever before”. their new fleets of M300 RTKs. the C-390 Millennium plays an important cargo and paratrooper airdrop, aerial refu- with ability to operate in austere envi-
to their fleet. The DJI M300 RTK is tougher, safer, and “The technical team recently completed role in solidifying the Company as a serious elling, search and rescue, aerial firefighting, ronments, including unpaved or damaged
The registration of the M300 RTK was more rugged than any drone in its class, their certified DJI training on the M300 entrant in a new market segment.” medical evacuation, and humanitarian runways.
quite an extensive process which included: and offers exceptional endurance and range and are ready to serve the tailored “We are honoured to receive this award, missions. The aircraft can carry troops, pallets, ar-
obtaining airworthiness, the first-in-type range. With an increased Ingress Rating, needs of Enterprise clients,” he said. Q which recognizes the excellence of our Flying faster and delivering more value, moured wheeled vehicles, and helicopters. Q
World Airnews | November / December 2020 World Airnews | November / December 2020
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