Page 41 - World Airnews Magazine November 2020
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A SPRINTER PILOT students which I really enjoyed
and became good at.
However, I flew my maximum
World Airnews correspondent Mike Wright got a chance to interview a former monthly hours at Airlink so it
SAA captain Joanne Jordan on her journey into aviation, being a female in a male became increasingly difficult to
dominated industry, Covid-19 and her vision beyond. Here is her story instruct on my days off and had
to choose to leave instruction in
order to stay legal with my full-
time flying career. It was a choice
in my career that was worth the
After more than four years, SAA
grew up in Springs (Johannesburg opened up and we got our chance
ISouth Africa) and I was blessed with be- to work for our national airline. Sev-
ing a gifted sprinter in the 100 and 200m. en of us from our original group got
At 14 years old I was running the qualify- in and it was a dream come true. but then COVID happened and everything ciation have been amazing in dealing with
ing times for Olympics already and surpass- Again, for the first time, they offered us direct came to grinding halt. One minute I was the whole process and vital to protect our
ing the times with every event that followed. entry onto the domestic fleet, instead of flying a roster and the next, it was all over. rights and keep us informed. We’re very
Running was all I ever wanted to do. All that being in flight relief pilots, to see if we could When one gets another flying job or re- grateful for all they’ve done and not sure
came to a crashing halt when I got an upper manage the direct transition. There was a tires, you mentally and emotionally prepare how we could ever repay the team for
shortage on the domestic fleet for first offi-
respiratory virus and the doctor told me for your last day so that you can move on, being there for us.
straight, “You can kiss your running career cers. It was a steep learning curve and we had but COVID hit like a ton of bricks, many pi- I’ve been flying for over 22 years and to
goodbye”. I never quite ran the same after a lot to prove. Even though it felt like we had lots weren’t able to get that “closure”. Now I completely re-invent oneself is a daunting
that and it was a huge blow for me and my been thrown into the deep end, it turned out realise that there will only be a handful of us and challenging task but with family sup-
family to accept that my sprinting career to be the best opportunity to grow and fly. left flying and many will have to make alter- port, I know that God will take care of us as
was over. I was given the option between the Air- native arrangements for other careers. It’s He always has.
My brother always wanted to be the pilot bus and Boeing and chose the 737-800 fleet been tough to process with what’s happen- I love flying as it’s my passion and it
and I thought of taking on a career in hotel other Joannes already, so they nicknamed pecially some technical aspects. As ladies, which I loved every minute of it during my ing in the world and the infamous "where to has taught me more than I could’ve ever
eight years on the aircraft.
management someday. He begged me to me “JoJo’ and it’s stuck ever since. many of us don't “naturally" understand next” question which we all face. Our future imagined. Having been able to become a
come up with him for his first intro flight The Singapore Airlines manager saw the how a “carburettor” works at first hand like Once the Boeing was phased out, I as pilots are uncertain for the time being pilot was a dream come true and not many
and during that flight, the instructor gave way I treated passengers and promoted me the guys so it was a steep learning curve. chose to fly the Airbus A319/320 fleet and and if I am part of that group that will not fly people are able to say that in their lifetime.
me a chance to fly. Once we landed, I ran on the spot to come work for them. All the Combine our love for flying with hard have been on them for the past two years again anytime soon then I’m open to work It’s been a huge blessing and I look forward
out to my mom glowing and said, “This is while I kept on applying for the SAA pilot work, tenacity and grit, and this proved to totalling over 8500 flying hours thus far. I hard, go back to studying another career to what lies ahead whether that’s back in
what I want to do”. She has supported me programme and finally one day, I received be our biggest asset. Once we “understood wanted to transition onto the long-range and shift gears in the meantime. the air soon or on the ground. I am busy
since in every way possible. the call. I had been chosen for the selection it”, we did exceptionally well and excelled in fleet and was waiting for a slot to open up The South African Airways Pilots Asso- with my MBA through UCAM University. Q
My brother in the meantime decided that process at SAA. all areas far and beyond. Being a female avi-
he’d rather take the hotel route and so our After 6500 applicants and three months ator is such a privilege as many don’t get the
roles were swapped. Things were always of testing, I finally made it into group 16, opportunity so none of us take it for granted AFRICA
tight financially so after I matriculated from as one of 13 student cadet pilots for my - it is a small growing industry for women.
high school, one of the ways I could help national carrier. It was a miracle to finally I completed my training at 43 Air School
out was to get sponsorships as my family have a chance at becoming a pilot and in Port Alfred and was awarded the Best
couldn’t afford the university fees and flying flying for my country. Flying Trophy at our graduation ceremony. QATAR AIRWAYS EXPANDS
was too expensive for me to do privately. There weren’t many female pilots in the Three of us were selected to do our
Thankfully I got several bursaries from industry at that time. Thankfully there were internship at Airlink flying the Jetstream
the Johannesburg universities, but I had no a few ladies at the air school, so we helped 41. It was only to be a two-year contract IN SOUTHERN AFRICA
idea what to study, as all I wanted to do is and supported one another. Generally as SAA weren’t hiring. So, I stayed on until
fly. I constantly applied for the SAA (South speaking, flying was tougher to grasp, es- they had room for their cadets. Airlink
African Airways) cadet then, for the first time in Qatar Airways vice president Africa for Qatar Airways, its values and its global
pilot programme but they history, promoted cadets Hendrik Du Preez said, “As the most reach. We are confident that the relation-
weren’t accepting new to captaincy. It had never atar Airways has signed an connected airline during the pandemic ship will deliver enhanced travel options
cadets at that time so my been done before but Qinterline agreement with with a network that never fell below 30 to customers given the designed intercon-
mom eventually advised they needed commanders Airlink, further expanding its presence in destinations, we strive to continue to nectivity that will be enabled at OR Tam-
me to take a gap year to and at that stage, we had Southern Africa as the largest carrier to offer more flexibility and options for our bo International Airport and Cape Town
figure things out and put the most experience on operate from the region. passengers. We are delighted to sign International Airport. Airlink’s offering of
the university route on the aircraft. The agreement with Airlink will provide this interline agreement with Airlink to connectable destinations includes most
hold until the cut off for It was a great learning passengers seamless connectivity via further expand our network in the region key points within Southern Africa such as;
their offers would expire. experience and some- Cape Town, and Johannesburg to more connecting passengers to more than Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth, East
I found a job at Swis- thing I’ll forever be than 20 regional destinations in Southern 25 domestic and more than 20 regional London, Bloemfontein, Harare, Lusaka,
sport International as a grateful for. It taught me Africa including; Gaborone, Maun, Tete, destinations. With the borders in South Maputo, Gaborone, Windhoek, amongst
customer service agent at how to be a commander, Lusaka, Harare, Victoria Falls and Port Africa being closed for five months, we many others”.
the airport doing check- manage myself, peo- Elizabeth. are thrilled to re-enter the market with Qatar Airways becomes the first global
additional connections in South Africa
ins, arrivals, pushing ple, the company and Qatar Airways’ passengers will benefit and beyond.” carrier to operate Honeywell’s Ultravio-
wheelchairs and what- a variety of situations. from access to more than 25 domestic let (UV) cabin system, further advancing
ever else they needed to During my time at Airlink, destinations via the most on time South Airlink CEO, Rodger Foster said, “We its hygiene measures onboard. In clinical
keep passengers happy I studied to become a African airline for 2020 as measured by are proud and excited about our new tests, UV light has been shown to be ca-
and informed once they flight instructor at Rand the Airport’s Company of South Africa. interline commercial agreement with pable of inactivating various viruses and
depart and arrive. On my Airport which was a great Qatar Airways. We have a deep respect bacteria when properly applied. Q
first day, there were seven way to learn how to teach
World Airnews | November / December 2020 World Airnews | November / December 2020
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