Page 68 - World Airnews Magazine March 2021
P. 68
By Rob Jonkers
The forecast for Saturday was low cloud materialise and by 9am the cloud base had
with afternoon rain - it seemed the next risen to above 6500 ft, with a still strong
his was the first of the third season tropical depression was on its way from the easterly wind.
TAircraft Unlimited speed rallies for east coast. The briefing was held at 8am and was
2021 and was held at Witbank, organised The Friday afternoon initial briefing start- concluded at around 08h30. Then every-
by SAPFA and hosted by the Witbank Aero- ed at 18h00, with Rob Jonkers who provid- one dispersed first for a group photo and
nautical Association. ed a briefing on what to expect for the next then to park their aircraft and prepare for
the scrutineers. The route for the day was
day in terms of the planned route, how
The same event was held virtually a year many turn points, distance, departure and intended to be a scenic one, mostly north
ago at the same venue but the world has arrival protocol, and a weather outlook. of the Loskop dam in the Groblersdal area
changed substantially since then. After this Jonty gave his signature event which has many rivers and hills.
Fraught with challenges from the start, promotion and handed out race numbers. Each team was supposed to get their
such as having to postpone it from the The club then provided a nice dinner spread envelops with their loggers 20 minutes prior
original planned date of February 6 as the and everyone retired for the evening. take-off but somehow the hand-out team
last throes of cyclone Eloise poured down, On Saturday morning with promising received an incorrect time list which showed
a drenched highveld, find new ground weather, the predicted low cloud did not an hour ahead of when the papers were sup-
support team (as many of the posed to be given. Once the
stalwarts were not available mistake was realised, a reset
this weekend), and a number was brought into effect. First
of mistakes on the day. take-off was at 09h53 for the
Nevertheless, the end result slowest aircraft and last take-
was a safe and successful rally. off at 10h40, with the planned
There were 30 entries, a full arrival at 11h30.
field given the current situa- With all the competitors
tion, with a number of local off towards the northwest,
aircraft taking part. Three the route had a mix of easy
flight schools entered namely, and challenging turn points,
Legend Sky from Rhino Park, especially number 6 which
Mach 1 from Springs and a required good navigating skills
large contingent with five en- to find the canal and road
tries from Bird Aviation based crossing. From the results this
at Vereeniging. turn point seemed to have
The weather outlook was been difficult.
predicted to be poor, and on With the windy conditions
Friday the wind was pumping the aircraft coming over the
at between 15-20kts from the line were more spread out
north-east with 6/8 cloud. than before, most competi-
World Airnews | March 2021
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