Page 6 - World Airnews Magazine April 2021_intro
P. 6


                                  HELOS KEPT FLYING

                                                                                           By Heidi Gibson

                                                                                             Leonardo TH-73A

                                           worst of the pandemic. Now, as vaccines   and fight fire year around.

                                           are starting to roll out, it appears that we

               elicopter Association Internation-  remain ready to fly our mission segments.  WAN: THERE ARE SOME

                                                                               SUGGESTIONS WITH THE
       Hal president CEO James Viola gave    We conducted a global survey of mem-  LAYING OFF OF COMMERCIAL
        this exclusive interview to World Airnews   bers and non-members early this year, and   PILOTS, MANY WILL TURN

        editor Heidi Gibson about the civilian   while we are still compiling the data, we   THEIR ATTENTION AND RESKILL

        helicopter market and some of the current   can share a bit of the information with you.   THEMSELVES INTO THE HELICOPTER
        challenges.                        Of the helicopter operators who respond-  MARKET. DO YOU AGREE WITH THIS
                                           ed, 52 percent indicated they planned to   AND IF SO WHY? IF NOT WHAT ARE
        WAN: WHAT A YEAR IT WAS LAST       expand their business within the next five   YOUR PREDICTION ABOUT THE JOB

        YEAR! PREDICTIONS ARE THAT         years. We also asked a follow-up question   MARKET FOR HELICOPTER PILOTS?

        2021 WILL ALSO BE A STRUGGLE.      about how they planned to expand, and

        WHAT ARE THE HAI COMMENTS          sixty percent planned to add more equip-  JV: I find it interesting that helicopter
        ABOUT THE CHALLENGES OF LAST       ment, 43 percent expected to add person-  pilots were hired by the airlines when they

        YEAR FACED WITH THE GLOBAL         nel, and 40 percent planned to add new   were suffering personnel shortages, and

        PANDEMIC AND THOSE GOING           mission segments.                   now those same rotorcraft pilots are now
        FORWARD?                           WAN: WHAT ARE YOUR                  recognizing that the helicopter industry

        JV: Yes, 2020 was a year that was   PREDICTIONS FOR THE SECOND         suffered less than the airlines. That said,
                                                                               the projected shortages for pilots and
        essentially unprecedented in the current   HALF OF THE YEAR AS THE VACCINE   maintenance professionals didn’t go

        era, especially in aviation.  We had more   ROLLS OUT? ARE YOU OF THE   away. The original cause of the shortage

        than our share of turmoil, as operators,   OPINION THAT THINGS WILL TURN   – retirements of an aging population

        manufacturers, suppliers, and industry   UPWARDS FOR THE SECOND HALF?   segment – remains. It might have slowed
        professionals had to routinely reassess the   WILL THE MARKET RECOVER AND   a bit, but the shortage will resume again

        latest news in government regulations and   WHY?                       soon, and we will need more helicopter

        support programs. On top of that, they had                             pilots. Now is a great time for a person to

        to protect themselves, co-workers, and   JV: While we all would have liked to have   enter the rotorcraft community, either as

        families. Mission segments like offshore   seen vaccines arrive sooner, there’s no   a pilot or maintenance technician. Neither

        petroleum support suffered a double hit   reason to think that our rotorcraft industry   one requires a college degree, and there

        when the price of oil dropped to historic   won’t continue to operate as it did last   is significant potential for good pay and

        levels. On the positive side, many helicop-  year. Again, it was a lean year, but many   advancement opportunities. On top of that,

        ter operations such are Air Ambulance and   segments kept flying. With temperatures   I feel our pilots and maintenance personnel

        Airborne Law Enforcement continued to   rising around the world, operators who   are in the ideal spot to lead the Advanced

        fly. While some sectors suffered more than   fight wildland fires are probably going to   Air Mobility evolution. I can’t imagine

        others, our versatility and flexibility helped   see an increase, especially if they are able   that many governments will certify the

        to keep most rotorcraft flying through the   to move back and forth across the equator

                                                   World Airnews | April 2021
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