Page 14 - World Airnews Magazine February Edition 2021
P. 14
supposed to be born in Africa,
but things did not happen
CAO airport consultant and that way. Instead I was born
Ian internati onal aviati on at sea, in the ship, two days
development advisor Inderjit before somewhere near the
Singh has his roots firmly in the Gulf region. So, you see, I was
continent of his birth Africa. made in the UK, delivered in a
ship in high-seas - not part of
World Airnews is pleased to any territorial land - and arrived
announce his contribution to two days old in Africa.
the magazine.
Lewellyn Jones Hansie De Lange Johann Kotze ME CALLING YOU ‘INDY’. IMPACT ON YOUR PSYCHE,
investigation are acted upon for the future crime punishable by law. Family members dardisation of VHF radio frequencies as BRIEF INTERVIEW WITH ITIES?
safety of all passengers and flight crews and friends of the deceased pilots have a likely key contributor to this accident. WORLD AIRNEWS MAGA-
alike in the South African and African lived in the most agonising pain for 20 Have the CAA acted upon these recom- ZINE. (IS) Yes, it has helped both, in
Airspace. years, “ said Liezl. mendations? (IS) Heidi, I am delighted to my personal and professional
They also want to ensure that the whole The family of Hansie de Lange believes “As far as the helicopter pilots are con- speak with you. By all means, life. I have a sense of freedom
truth of what happened on that fateful day that the CAA kept the second investigation cerned, while they have never admitted please call me ‘Indy’ - my from any reservations, ambi-
is fully in the public domain. report secret leaving many more unan- to causing the accident; their version of nickname, coined when I was guities and any preconceived
“Two decades of silence and subter- swered questions. events has been totally discredited by the a student in the University notions. Like the famous
fuge must come to an end if the CAA It is not clear whether any of the safety second investigation, as has that of the of California, Berkeley, after philosopher, aviator and author
truly wants to live by its brand promise: recommendations made in the second witnesses who were found to have lied "Indiana" Jones's nickname Richard Bach I feel like a bird
‘keeping you safe in the sky’. Three young investigation were acted upon by the CAA. and committed perjury. - shortened to "Indy" - a and I am not confined by any
pilots died senselessly. Several witnesses “We are not specialists but there was a “They will only have their own consciences character in several landmark territorial boundaries. In my
professional career until date, I
lied under oath, committing perjury - a key recommendation regarding stan- to answer to,” said Liezl. Q Hollywood movies. have served in several countries
I am impressed to note World of Africa, Asia, Middle East and
MORE QUESTIONS THAN Airnews’s content on topical South America. Adaptability
aviation related matters, its
to new work places, people,
universal appeal and its wide
cultures have never been a
ANSWERS readership among airport, problem.
airlines and aircraft manufac-
turing professionals; the three
prime segments of the aviation LEADERSHIP POSITIONS
SACAA. Correspondence between AIID and the family representa- industry. IN YOUR CAREER HOW
tive illustrates that the report was made available to the families, (HG) INDY I HAVE SEEN YOUR STYLE?
o why did it take so long for the second accident investi- or at least the family representative that brought the matter to the YOUR ARTICLES PUB- (IS) As I see it, a leader is basical-
Sgati on report concluded in 2009 to be placed on the CAA attention of the AIID. However, to date we have not been success- LISHED IN SOME RE- ly an influencer. I tend to lead by
website? Was it sheer negligence or deliberate? A family member ful in establishing whether the report was sent to the SACAA, and Inderjit Singh – A Biography NOWNED AVIATION example and believe that I have
if so, who received the report on behalf of the SACAA.
has claimed that they were never informed about the second JOURNALS. YOU AND I the following characteristics
“We wish to reiterate that there was no intention on the part
report or its publication? What about the safety recommendations of the AIID or the SACAA not to replace the new report with the Inderjit has served as and the busiest airport (70 HAVE EXCHANGED MES- and values - integrity, prudence,
contained within - have any of these been implemented? revised one. On the contrary, this matter was given the necessary an airport consultant in MPPA) in the country and SAGE AND SPOKEN MANY humanity, contemporary
These are just some of the questions put to the CAA by World attention and resolved as soon as was practically possible.” several countries of Asia, categorized ‘hypersensi- TIMES. PLEASE TELL OUR thinking, open-mindedness, an
Airnews in an attempt to bring clarity to the issues raised by the In response to the statement by a family member that this is the South-East Asia, Mid- tive” from threat percep- READERS A BIT ABOUT unending quest for learning,
dle-East, Africa and South
family of deceased Hansie de Lange - one of the victims of a fateful first time that a second investigation report has been opened into America in the planning, tion, he has hands-on-ex- YOU BELONG? confidence and courage. I am a
crash that occurred just outside Johannesburg more than 20 years an accident in the past 20 years? design, development and perience of all functional performer but I am also a team
ago. Ledwaba stated that “ In the last 20 years only one accident management of airports aspects of administration (IS) Well Heidi, I belong to the player with a positive outlook
But the response from the CAA did not make for more clarity or report was reopened; and again, as stated, this was depended on with leading airport au- and operations of a major world! and a never-say-die attitude.
understanding of the facts. new critical evidence that surfaced after the completion and publi- thorities, global organiza- international airport. He (HG) THAT IS A VERY PRO- These traits that I have place me
In response to the first question, the CAA said that it was indeed cation of the accident report.” tions and under the aegis is a graduate in engineer- FOUND STATEMENT. WHAT well in the highly visible and sen-
“a family representative” that raised the issue of the second report In conclusion he stated that “the legislated process of investiga- of ICAO. He is thus abreast ing, an MBA, followed by MAKES YOU STATE THIS? sitive industry of air-transport
with the CAA and in response to this - the first outdated report was tion entails that once the investigators have concluded an investi- of the world’s best prac- advanced management at (IS) My parents were which is more often than not
finally replaced on the CAA website on 12 August 2020. gation, such report must be distributed to the aircraft owner, the tices in the industry. As “Henley-the Management heading from the UK to British prone to incidents and accidents
When pressed further about the reason for the delay, CAA operator, the State of registry, and the families of the deceased, if former CEO and chairman School”, Oxford shire, UK Somaliland, East Africa by a and where teamwork only can
spokesperson Kabelo Ledwaba provided this response: “The due there were any. Furthermore, the regulations also require that the of the airport security and aviation management ship. My dear dad, who was save a crisis from turning into a
diligence exercise indicates that on 05 May 2011, the Minister report be made public to fulfil the purpose of investigations, i.e. to committee of IGI Airport, from University of Califor- qualified with bar-at-law from disaster.
of Transport directed that the Aircraft Accident Inquiry Board’s ensure that other aviators learn from that occurrence so that they New Delhi – the largest nia, Berkeley. Lincoln’s Inn, was going to take (HG) CAN YOU RECALL ONE
report, i.e. the second report, be forwarded to the families and the avoid similar errors in the future.” Q up a post as a legal officer. I was INCIDENT THAT YOU HAVE
World Airnews | February 2021 World Airnews | February 2021
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