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ulfstream Aerospace Corporation
Ghas announced an additi onal
enhancement to its signature cabin experi-
mbraer has delivered the first Phenom 300E ence - investing in their customer’s health
Ewith the new Bossa Nova interior to Joe Howley, through plasma ionisation.
co-founder of Patient Airlift Services (PALS). The air purification system, which com-
PALS was established in 2010 by a group of pilots in the plements Gulfstream’s already 100% fresh-
Northeast United States. In conjunction with the organ- air environment, has proven in lab tests to
kill pathogens and allergens.
isation’s 10 year anniversary, Howley took delivery of a
new Phenom 300E at a recent ceremony held at Embraer’s Gulfstream’s plasma ionisation system,
global customer centre in Melbourne, Florida. which operates whenever the aircraft envi-
The aircraft will be used to advance the organisation’s ronmental control system is active, works by
mission to arrange free transportation for individuals re- emitting positive and negative oxygen ions
quiring medical diagnosis, treatment, or follow-up who that actively seek out and in-activate harm-
ful molecules in the air and on surfaces.
cannot afford or are unable to fly commercially.
“We are humbled to know the Phenom 300E will aid This process neutralises particulate mat-
the vital role served by PALS. We know its passengers will ter - not just bacteria and viruses, but also
unpleasant odours from organic material
be well-served by the best cabin environment and lowest
cabin altitude in the light jet class,” said Michael Amalfita- like cigarette smoke.
no, president and CEO of Embraer executive jets. “The addition of the plasma ionisation
“PALS is an organisation of volunteer pilots who system further enhances the cabin health
Even when running solely on an auxiliary
choose to dedicate their time and resources to serving benefits customers can expect from the power unit, the system produces thou- as a retrofit on the Gulfstream G650 and
families struggling through the hardest times in their signature Gulfstream cabin experience,” sands of ions throughout the entire aircraft, G650ER, G550, G450 and GV models, with
lives,” said Joe Howley, PALS co-founder. said Mark Burns, president, Gulfstream. ensuring that cabin air remains pure and additional installation options pending for-
eign certification. The system is provided
“To further serve the PALS mission, I am excited to “By adding such a system in tandem with surfaces are disinfected while aircraft are
take delivery of this single-pilot certified aircraft in order already 100% fresh air and the proven prepared by pre-flight caterers, cleaning as standard equipment on N-registered
G650 and G650ER aircraft, with G500,
to provide the speed, passenger comfort, and flexibility Gulfstream airflow design, customers can crews and FBO technicians alike. G600 and international certifications in
our valued passengers deserve.” fly their families and teams with even more The plasma ionisation system is available development. Q
Announced simultaneously with the new, enhanced Phe- peace of mind.”
nom 300E, the optional Bossa Nova edition interior for the
light jet was named for the Brazilian style of jazz music.
Portuguese for ‘new trend’ - Bossa Nova encompasses NEWS
a package of Embraer’s latest interior developments,
with features such as carbon fibre accents and Em-
braer’s exclusive Ipanema sew style. SKY GATES ADDS NEW RUSSIAN
It is also the first of the Phenom 300 series to feature
piano black surfaces. The Bossa Nova interior was first
introduced with the debut of the Phenom 300E’s larger AIRFREIGHT SERVICE
siblings, the Praetor 500 and Praetor 600, and won
best design in the 2019 international yacht and aviation
awards in Venice. its Russian network, as they already ture and storage areas for tempera-
“Joe and I immediately bonded over compelling sto- serve Moscow-Sheremetyevo and Novo- ture-sensitive cargo and live animals.
ries, and we were immersed discussing the inspirations s a result of recent successful sibirsk on a scheduled base. The apron with an area of 90,000 m²
for the Bossa Nova interior, but I can’t imagine a better Atechnical landings, the Russian Sky Gates also covers customs clear- will be able to serve four Boeing 747 type
story than that of PALS,” said Jay Beever, vice president cargo airline Sky Gates cargo airlines ance and last mile delivery service with aircraft or six medium sized aircraft.
of Embraer design operations. is launching new scheduled airfreight Moscow and the region provided by the “We truly appreciate the efforts and
“Especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, PALS is services to and from Moscow Zhukovsky partner companies of Sky Gates Cargo partnership we have developed with
playing an invaluable role in people’s lives and we are International Airport. Airlines. Zhukovsky Airport which is located near
honoured Howley has selected the Phenom 300E to “This service is unique. Through mod- the Eastern municipal borders of Mos-
help serve this most honourable mission.” Last year the airport introduced regu- ern technologies and online customs cow. With our scheduled operations to
An avionics upgrade includes the first runway overrun lar passenger services. clearance proceedings we can offer a Moscow Sheremetyevo we complete our
awareness and alerting system to be developed and certi- In July a newly constructed state-of-the- truly integrated product, be it through product portfolio to and from Moscow,
fied in business aviation, as well as predictive wind shear, art air cargo terminal opened, equipped Moscow Sheremetyevo and now as well offering a very interesting alternative air
emergency descent mode, PERF, TOLD and FAA Datacom with sophisticated warehouse technology through Moscow Zhukovsky, covering a cargo gateway to the buoyant Russian
among others. Additionally, the aircraft now features 4G and the ability to handle all kinds of cargo. dedicated last mile delivery via ZIA,” said capital,” he said.
connectivity via Gogo AVANCE L5. The terminal also offers a dedicated area Alexander Khmelevskikh, the Sky Gates Sky Gates Cargo Airlines has its head-
The interior of the new, enhanced Phenom 300E was for temperature-controlled cargo. general director. quarter in Moscow is operating a fleet of
made even quieter and features more cockpit legroom for Sky Gates started to operate sched- The new base at Moscow Zhukovksy Boeing 747-400 full-freighter airplanes
pilot comfort. The fastest single-pilot jet in the world is uled flights out of Frankfurt-Hahn, Baku International Airport includes a 9,200m² and has formed a partnership with Silk-
capable of reaching Mach 0.80, and delivering high speed and Zhengzhou to Moscow-Zhukovksy a modern cargo terminal with a temporary Way West Airlines offering a global air
cruise of 464 knots with a five-occupant range of 2,010 total of three times a week, completing storage warehouse, customs infrastruc- cargo network. Q
nautical miles (3,724 km) with NBAA IFR reserves. Q
World Airnews | September 2020 World Airnews | September 2020
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