Page 45 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 45


                                   STATUE OF FIRST MAN IN

                                   SPACE UNVEILED

                  monument to Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space, was
         Aunveiled at the South African nati onal space agency (SAN-
         SA) space science centre in Hermanus, 90 km from Cape Town.
           The bust of the Soviet Air Forces pilot and cosmonaut, who be-

         came the first human to journey into outer space aboard Vostok 1
         when he completed one orbit of Earth on 12 April 1961, is situated
         at the South African national space agency space science centre,

         previously the Hermanus Magnetic Observatory.
           It is South Africa’s national geomagnetic research facility.

           Donated by the ‘Dialogue of Cultures - United World’ charity
         with the support of the consulate general of the Russian federation

         in Cape Town and SANSA, the bronze bust was unveiled by Iakov

         Baskakov, acting consul general of Russia in Cape Town.

           “His feat united people around the globe in their aspiration to reach
         new heights. It was a general breakthrough that combined the deter-

         mination of mankind to stretch the boundaries of science and technol-
         ogy together with personal bravery of the individual,” Baskakov said.  The monument was installed within the SANSA Science Centre
           Gagarin successfully landed in the Saratov region, near the city of   where it will be viewed by thousands of learners and visitors to the

         Engels, after 108 minutes of staying in space. Since 1961, hundreds of   Space Agency.
         people of different nationalities have been into space, including South   SANSA and the Consulate General hope that the monument

         African Mark Shuttleworth who rode a Russian-built Soyuz spacecraft   will encourage the next generation of space explorers, scientist

         to spend eight days onboard the International Space Station in 2002.  and engineers.

           Since 2011, the charity has installed over 30 busts of Gagarin in   “A significant part of achieving our dream for the African continent
         a number of educational institutions, parks and streets in more   is to inspire the youth and ignite excitement in science and tech-

         than 23 countries.                                    nology. We are constantly looking for the future space explorers,
           “This monument reminds us we should be together in the explo-  the future space environment researchers, and the future space
         ration and use of space, (it) will undoubtedly serve to strengthen   engineers”, said SANSA managing director Lee-Anne McKinnell.

         friendship and collaboration between Russia and South Africa in   “Our dream is a long term one which we know cannot be

         this sphere,” Baskakov said.                          achieved by our generation alone.”

           While there are many other monuments dedicated to Gagarin   “Space research and exploration is global - and while representing

         around the globe this is the first monument of its kind on the Afri-  the African continent we also look to our international stakeholders to

         can continent and the Southernmost one in the world.  partner with us on an equal footing as we take on the global challenge

                                                               of optimizing space utilization and inspiring the next generation.” Q
                           PILOT RECEIVES HONOUR
                                              mph, and kept the nosewheel from   Air Force Secretary Barbara Bennett

                                              descending for landing. The plane flew   awarded DeVries the medal at a cere-

                   he United States secretary of   for 25 minutes in its disabled condition   mony at Selfridge Air National Guard
                                              before it landed.
                                                                               Base, Michigan, near Detroit.
             Tthe Air Force presented the
                                                                                 "The Distinguished Flying Cross is

                                               After the incident the Air Force noted

             Distinguished Flying Cross to an Air Na-  that it was the first time a pilot had to   America's oldest military aviation

             tional Guard pilot who landed a plane   land an A-10 with a missing canopy and   decoration," Barrett said, "awarded for

             missing its canopy and landing gear.  landing gear in the "up" position. The   heroism or extraordinary achievement

              Maj. Brett DeVries, of the 127th Wing   A-10, known as the Warthog, has been   that is, 'entirely distinctive, involving

             of the Michigan Air National Guard's   in service since 1977.     operations that are not routine.' Today,

             107th Fighter Squadron, was honoured   "Landing a plane with the gear down   Major DeVries, you will join the ranks of
             recently for his safe return from a 2017   is good," the Air Force said in its investi-  some other American heroes."

             training mission of his A-10 Thunderbolt   gation of the incident.   "You certainly demonstrated heroism

             II plane.                         "Landing with it up is not ideal.   and extraordinary achievement in your

              A malfunctioning cannon ripped the   Landing with some of it up and some of   flight," Barrett added.

             canopy from the plane as it flew at an   it down, well, those stories seldom end   DeVries is a veteran of over 120 over-

             altitude of 150 feet and at about 375   well."                    seas combat missions. Q
                                                  World Airnews | December 2020
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