Page 52 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 52


                                   EMBRAER LOOKS INTO ELECTRIC-

                                   POWERED AIRCRAFT

                                            Embraer’s new strategy for the coming   E2, E190 E2 and E195 E2, with an enhanced
                                            years.”                            flight deck and more efficient engines.
                                              EDP’s Smart Division - the company’s
         I n a time period where there is a huge   main sector for electricity and energy -   Finally, Embraer has its ERJ aircraft family,
          push for businesses and corporations to be   plans to financially contribute through the   featuring the ERJ 135, 140 and 145 for
          more energy-efficient, the aviation industry   acquisition of energy storage and battery   airlines’ shorter routes.
          has developed its own methods to work to   technologies. Its financial contributions will   Embraer’s partnership with EDP to devel-
          become more environmentally friendly and   support the prominent Brazilian aircraft   op electric aircraft will further establish the
                                                                               significance of the regional narrow-body
          sustainable.                      manufacturer’s all-electric demonstrator   E-Jet Family going forward. The Brazilian
           The proposals and projects can range   aircraft proposals.          aerospace company will have the oppor-
          from the implementation of new technol-  “EDP aims to lead the energy transition   tunity to enhance its commercial aircraft
          ogy and reduction of carbon emissions to   to a low carbon economy. Our partnership   offerings to be more energy-efficient and
          researching ways to reduce aircraft noise   with Embraer in the development of the   environmentally friendly while minimising
          and improve fuel economy.         company’s first 100% electric demonstrator   costs and emissions for operators.
           Embraer has become one of the    aircraft represents a new frontier for our   Additionally, its initiative to explore other
          newest players in this field, as the company   investment in electric mobility, which helps   different technologies and make its aircraft
          officially announced its joint partnership   to position Brazil as a leading player in this   more cost-effective and non-polluting
          with Energias de Portugal (EDP) in Brazil to   market,” EDP in Brazil president Miguel   could attract airlines that want to operate
          inaugurate electric aircraft research.   Setas said.                 this type of aircraft going forward in order
           “Embraer’s history of creating strategic                            to reduce their carbon footprint on their
          partnerships through agile cooperation   EMBRAER’S FUTURE WITH EDP   routes.
          makes us one of the most recognized   Embraer’s signature E-Jet family, featuring   Of course, while Embraer’s focus on
          Brazilian companies for stimulating   its E170, E175 and E190 narrowbody   constructing electric-powered aircraft is
          global knowledge networks, which in   aircraft, has since then been its most   another step towards transforming the
          turn significantly increases the country’s   notable line of jets.   aviation industry with the goal of allowing
          competitiveness,” said Luís Carlos Affonso,                          operators to transition from traditional
          Embraer vice president of engineering and   Additionally, when the airlines operate   resources like fuel to more innovative
          corporate strategy.               regional and short-haul routes, the aircraft   means, there is still a long way to go.
                                            manufacturer’s E-Jet family is seen as a
           “It is a pleasure to welcome EDP into this   dependable option and is often used to   But with Embraer becoming yet another
          scientific research endeavor designed to   meet the travel demand.   big player to start down this path, the
          build a sustainable future”.        Embraer also has its more recent and   future may be closer than once thought to
           “Innovation is one of the pillars of   newer E-Jet E2 aircraft variants, the E175   be. Q

                                                  World Airnews | December Extra 2020
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