Page 6 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 6


                                          THE MAX GETS ITS WINGS

                                                                                           By Heidi Gibson

                                           they don’t agree it will not activate.  hosted its fourth and final webinar for the

                                                                               year focused on the impact COVID-19 has

                                             It will only be activated once and it will

                significant milestone has hap-  never override the pilot’s ability to control   had on African aviation, aviation technolo-
       Apened and we need to mark it       the airplane using the control column alone  gy developments and the evolving state of

        – amid the doom and gloom of a second   These are important changes – as the   the Africa’s flight industry.

        lockdown in Europe and rising Covid-19   pilots behind the controls of the downed   It featured an interesting presentation by
        infections in the USA - the US Federal   aircraft repeatedly had to disengage the   managing director of ZA Logics Ogaga Udjo,

                                                                               who said before COVID-19 the global airline
        Aviation Administration has rescinded the   MCAS as it attempted to take over the   industry enjoyed 11 years of consecutive

        order that halted commercial operations of   plane and put the nose down.  profits, strongly driven by performance in

        the 737 Max.                         The work into these changes came after   North America.

         This will allow airlines around the world   regulatory agencies and aviation organisa-  He told the virtual audience that the

        to take the steps necessary to resume   tions from around the world worked with   African aviation industry supports (US) $56

        service and further allows Boeing to begin   engineers, scientists, researchers, mechan-  billion per annum in economic activity and

        to make deliveries.                ics, pilots and line pilots and engaged in a   6,2 million jobs and in the current climate
         "We will never forget the lives lost in the   thorough process that involved hundreds   – with some open borders - African Airline
        two tragic accidents that led to the decision   of thousands of hours and more than a   decision-makers are dealing with issues of

        to suspend operations," said David Cal-  thousand test and check flights.  stabilisation, emergence and resurgence

        houn, chief executive officer of The Boeing   Other requirements include training   from relatively weak positions.

        Company.                           and here airlines must receive regulatory   In terms of a possible recovery Udjo said
         "These events and the lessons we have   approval for their training programmes and   most analyses forecast recovery to be
        learned as a result have reshaped our   pilots must complete all required training.  negatively impacted by a lagged economic

        company and further focused our attention   Any undelivered Max will undergo an FAA   recession, with traffic returning to 2019 lev-

        on our core values of safety, quality and   in-person, individual review prior to the   els in the first quarter of – wait for it - 2024.

        integrity."                        issuing of an airworthiness certificate – so   Recovery could be bolstered where there
         Throughout the past 20 months, Boeing   that it can be delivered.     is a strong domestic aviation industry.

        has provided airlines with detailed recom-  Each country’s regulators will determine   It’s a focus area that I am sure all African

        mendations regarding long-term storage   their own schedule for return to service.  states are concentrating on and that is why

        and installing software enhancements,   Turning our attention to our continent the   we have as our editorial central point issues

        completing wire separation modifications,   International Road Federation in support of   of travel, travel requirements, charter
        conducting pilot training and de-preserva-  the Southern African Transport Conference,   operations and other interesting bits and

        tion activities that will ensure the airplanes                         pieces that will help you to have confidence

        are ready for service.                                                 in the aviation industry in this holiday

         Most importantly now the MCAS, or                                     season.

        Manoeuvring Characteristics Augmen-                                     And on that note we close the doors on

        tation System, will feature two Angle of                               what can only termed an annus horriblis

        Attack (AOA) sensors, each submitting their                            for aviation and look forward to a brighter

        own data to the airplane’s flight control                              2021. Happy Christmas and Have a Great
        computer.                                                              New year.
         The data will be compared and MCAS will                                Stay safe. Stay strong and Stay with

        only be activated if both sensors agree. If                            World Airnews. Q
                                                 World Airnews | December 2020
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