Page 64 - World Airnews Magazine December 2020
P. 64


                                   GARMIN PILOT ADDS NEW

                                   FEATURES TO APPLE APP

                                               GP035L Fight Profile View showing      GP046P Alt Fight Profile View
              GP045P Graphical NOTAMs (UK)      quick access bar and zoomed view          showing quick access bar
                                                                                            and zoomed view (002)
                                              •   Gray: flight data centre (FDC)   FLIGHT PROFILE VIEW
                                                 NOTAMS such as instrument
         Garmin International has added new      approach procedure changes    The new quick access bar in the flight
                                                                               profile view allows pilots to display critical
          features to the Garmin Pilot app for Apple   •   Purple: Other NOTAMs such as   flight information such as weather, PIREPs,
                                                 parachute jumping areas
          mobile devices, offering the ability to                              and traffic from compatible Garmin ADS-B
                                              For convenience, airspace NOTAMs can
          reference graphical airspace and obstacle   be viewed from either the map or flight   traffic sources with just a single touch.
          NOTAMs during pre-flight planning and for   plan page by selecting the NOTAMs layer   Using the new and simple pinch-to-zoom
          increased situational awareness inflight.   from the map overlays menu.   capability, pilots now have the ability to
           Additional features include an enhanced   Pilots can view NOTAMs in both decoded   more seamlessly review parts of the flight
          user interface for profile view, allowing   and raw text by selecting the NOTAM   by focusing on a particular segment in
          pilots the ability to access important   segment in the radial menu.   the profile view while still being able to
          information such as weather, PIREPs, and   Further, NOTAMs may also be viewed by   reference the basic flight profile above.
          more, faster than ever before.                                         The newest release of Garmin Pilot,
                                            selecting the NOTAMs widget in spilt-
                                            screen mode.                       version 10.3 for Apple mobile devices is
          GRAPHICAL AIRSPACE NOTAMS                                            available immediately.
          Airspace NOTAMS are now available as a   GRAPHICAL OBSTACLE NOTAMS     For new customers, Garmin Pilot is
          graphical overlay on the map and can be   Obstacle NOTAMs use pink obstacle figures   available in the Apple App Store as a free
          depicted as a circle or other shape with the   on the map in order to differentiate ob-  download for the first 30 days.
          type and associated altitude of the NOTAM   stacle NOTAMs from permanent obstacles   After the 30-day trial period, customers
          labelled for even more clarity depending on   and are displayed anytime the NOTAM or   may purchase an annual subscription of
          the selected zoom level.          obstacle layer is enabled.         Garmin Pilot Please visit
           NOTAMs that are scheduled to become                                 aviation for additional information.
                                              Those obstacles that have since been re-
          active in the next 24 hours are displayed in   moved are displayed for reference as a pink   Garmin’s aviation business segment is
          yellow to help alert pilots in advance and   “X.” Obstacle NOTAMs are available from   a leading provider of solutions to OEM,
          aid with flight planning, with a brighter   the map or flight plan page by selecting   aftermarket, military and government
          contrast for areas showing upcoming   overlays from the map layer icon with the   customers. Garmin’s portfolio includes
          restricted airspace.              ability to be viewed in both decoded and   navigation, communication, flight control,
           Active airspace NOTAMs have been   raw text by selecting the obstacle segment   hazard avoidance, an expansive suite of
          colour-coded depending on the following   in the radial menu.        ADS-B solutions and other products and
          classifications:                    Also, for convenience pilots have the   services that are known for innovation,
           •   Red: restricted and danger NOTAMs,   ability to view an Obstacle NOTAM list from   reliability, and value.
               such as prohibited areas     the airport page and by tapping the map   For more information, visit Garmin's vir-
           •   Orange: alert and warning NOTAMs,   icon for a selected NOTAM, jump to that   tual pressroom at,
               including military operation areas   NOTAM right on the map.    contact the Media Relations department at
               (MOA)                                                           913-397-8200. Q

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