Page 2 - NEP Updated
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                  JOURNEY OF SEED                                          WALKING WATER

       The two important questions in life is ‘Why’            Inquisitiveness is the beginning of  childhood.

       and ‘How’. To explain the existence of life,            To trigger one’s curiosity, students were asked

       students were involved in the process of seed           to observe and demonstrate the walking water

       germination.                                            with a bit of magic.

             IDENTIFYING FLOATING                                          SORT TO SUCCEED

      Curiosity  is  one  of  the  great  secrets  of          Fine  Motor  skills  help  children  engage  with
      happiness  .Students  were  made  to  identify           Smaller and more precise movements they will
      floating objects which helped them to enhance            need  to  grow  and  develop.  Sorting  activities
      their scientific temperament.                            improve their fine motor skills.          1
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