Page 25 - NEP Updated
P. 25


                             DIFFERENTIATED INTRUCTIONAL TOOLS

             Valuing the participation and achievement of all learners irrespective of their

             characteristics recognizing the benefits of students , collecting and evaluating evidence
             res  ponding to the barriers to access, participation and achievement and engaging all
             learners to provide the students with resources that fit individual circumstances.

                 EMBRACE CULTURAL                                    IDENTIFYING THE NEEDS &

         DIFFERENCES AND VALUE ALL                                 ENCOURAGE   THE STUDENTS

         Embracing different cultures through which

      allows the students to experience what it's like to         Personalized attention is given to each and
      be a part of a community other than their own. It           every  child  in  the  school  during  the  class
      also gives you cultural awareness and acceptance,           and even taken special care by conducting
       which can help the child to break down cultural            various extra various supportive classes.
      barriers while interacting with people of different

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