Page 41 - NEP Updated
P. 41


           INQUIRY BASED LERANING                                          ELEVATOR PITCH

             Inquiry transforms curiosity into                     Learn new things and relearn old things.
          understanding. Every student is given a                   Students were a part of elevator pitch

     question and allowed to investigate on that and            strategy of summarizing the concept making

          find their answers in through their own                       their learning more interactive.


                 ILLUSTRATED POETRY                                         RIDDLE-ME-REE

         Poetry is the rhythm of language students                Riddles nourish the speed, problem solving

         illustrated poems building their phonemic              and flexibility of brain. Students were engaged

     awareness by enjoying, appreciating and reciting              in associating and linking ideas and draw
                          them aloud.                              conclusions which made them remember
                                                                            things swiftly with ease.
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