Page 20 - NEP Updated
P. 20


                       ECOSYSTEM                                             STORY PYRAMID

        The ec  osystem is critical for the health of our           Creativity leads to innovation. Students

           natural world. Students made a model of                created story pyramid to enjoy the beauty of

       grassland eco system which has been a source of          stories, represented pictorially and appreciated

       food for domestic animals, either in the form of                                them.
            raw grass or hay for feeding in winters.

                   YOUNG DESIGNER                                         RADIO GARDENING

      To make the younger generation more oriented                As a part of greening imitative and to instill
      towards scientific, technological, Creative                    the value of sustainable development.

      innovations, Young Designers students brought              Students contributed towards clean green and

      best out of waste, handmade items innovatively                safe environment by growing their own
                                                                       greens through organic composting
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