Page 27 - NEP Updated
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                                                                     CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT

                                                                 STRATEGIES FOR CHILDREN WITH
                                                                              SPECIAL NEEDS

        In order to aim and also finding out how

        much students have acquired in a subject                   Support the diverse academic, social,
         matter. It is a consistence monitoring of               emotional, and communication needs of
             students' progress at our school.                                   all students.

                                                                     PHYSICAL AND HEALTHY

          CURRICULUM ADAPTATION                                          NUTRITIOUS NEEDS

           Curriculum adaption is an on-going in               Good nutrition, physical activity, and a healthy
            grades 3 & 4 in dynamic process that                 body weight are essential parts of a child’s

             modifies and adapts the prescribed                   overall health and well-being so a part of
         programme of studies to meet the learning               inclusive education special programme was
         requirements through integrated courses.                                  conducted.
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