Page 43 - NEP Updated
P. 43

                                      UPPER PRIMARY SCHOOL

                CONCEPT MAPPING                                       EXPRESS YOURSELVES

       Collaborative concept mapping is a great way                 Students enhanced their creativity in

         for students to step away from individual             expressing ideas as well as grabbing new ideas

      perspectives. Students mapped their ideas and              uplifting their knowledge limit to a greater
           explained concepts on chat paper and                                       level.

                    connected their ideas.

                                                                   INTERACTIVE ASSEMBLIES
               DINE WITH TEACHER

      A small way of connecting to students brings                   Students were engaged in interactive

     in big results. The student teacher connect was                     assemblies providing fantastic

        strengthened though simple activities like                  opportunities to build a strong sense of
           common dining time where students                                       community.            4
      develope  d positive bonding with their faculty.
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