Page 5 - NEP Updated
P. 5


                       ROLE PLAY                                 SIMPLE MACHINE CHALLENGE

      A role play is a fun and a playful activity which         Science  is  always  gathering  information  and

      is also a key component in students learning.             applying  thoughts  in  the  realistic  experience.
      Students  reflected  and  developed  their                Students related their knowledge of machines

      knowledge  of  topics  which  enhance  their              to their everyday life and attained clarity of the

      speaking and expression.                                  concepts.

                      HYDROPONICS                                      LANGUAGE LADDER

      The art of soilless farming is trending this          Language is one of the most important parts of
      year. Students started with a simple and a            culture by which people communicate and build

      small  system  of  growing  leafy  greens             relationships.  Students  were  given  language

      without soil in a sustainable and ecofriendly         ladder as a resource the modeled different ways to

      method.                                               express themselves in their native language.
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