Page 296 - Товарознавчий вісник 16
P. 296

Товарознавчий вісник. – 2023. – Випуск 16

               6.  Про  затвердження  Правил  етичної  поведінки  державних  службовців  :  Постанова
          Кабінету     Міністрів     України      від    11     лютого      2016     р.    №65.     URL:

               7.  ДСТУ EN ISO 13688:2016 Одяг захисний. Загальні вимоги. [Чинний від 2017-10-01].
          – К.: ДП «УкрНДНЦ», 2017. – 18 с. (Національний стандарт України).
               8.  Технічний  регламент  засобів  індивідуального  захисту.  Затверджено  Постановою
          Кабінету Міністрів України від 27.09.2008 р. №761.


               1.  Kataloh pidpryiemstv Ukrainy / Vyrobnytstvo robochoho odiahu. URL:

               2.  Ukrainska      asotsiatsiia    pidpryiemstv      lehkoi      promyslovosti.      URL:

               3.  Vymohy do spetsodiahu.  URL:».
               4.  Shcho         take        spetsodiah         i        yakyi         vin        buvaie?
               5.  Spetsodiah  yak  zasib  indyvidualnoho  zakhystu  promyslovosti.    URL:  https://pp-

               6.  Pro  zatverdzhennia  Pravyl  etychnoi  povedinky  derzhavnykh  sluzhbovtsiv  :  Postanova
          Kabinetu      Ministriv     Ukrainy      vid      11     liutoho      2016      №65.      URL:

               7.  DSTU EN ISO 13688:2016 Odiah zakhysnyi. Zahalni vymohy. [Chynnyi vid 2017-10-01].
          – K.: DP «UkrNDNTs», 2017. – 18 s. (Natsionalnyi standart Ukrainy).
               8.  Tekhnichnyi  rehlament  zasobiv  indyvidualnoho  zakhystu.  Zatverdzheno  Postanovoiu
          Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 27.09.2008 r. N 761.

               Goal. The purpose of the scientific work is the analysis of the modern assortment matrix of
          special-purpose clothing and the study of influencing factors on the formation of its quality, namely
          the materials used for the manufacture of this group of clothing, consumer properties, technological
          process and regulatory documents.
               Method.  During  the  research,  a  detailed  analysis  of  scientific  sources  of  information  was
          carried out, which specifies the modern assortment of workwear depending on the type of activity,
          as  well  as  normative  documentation  regulating  the  list  of  requirements  for  the  quality  of  these
          products, using information resources and search services in the Internet computer network.
               The results. The article presents an analytical assessment of the regulatory documentation in
          force  in  Ukraine,  regarding  the  implementation  of  control  and  assessment  of  the  conformity  of
          special-purpose clothing and a modern assortment according to the type of activity and conditions
          of its operation.
               An analysis of the practical experience of using special-purpose clothing in various spheres of
          activity was carried out. It was found that the assortment of overalls is distributed according to the
          main  spheres  of  activity,  namely  demi-season  overalls,  special-purpose  and  protective  clothing,
          clothing for the service sector, clothing for the catering sector, and medical clothing.

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