Page 9 - CRS BOOKLET 2022
P. 9


                                PREVENT SIDING DERAILMENTS /UNUSUALS was
                                conducted from 12.04.2021to 21.04.2021, by section TIs and
                                counseled the staff on the above subject
                            1: Safety drive on “Prevention of derailments of Freight Train while
                                entering/leaving  Stations  and  yards.  Was  conducted  from
                                25.05.2021to 08.06.2021, by section TIs and counseled the staff on

                                the above subject.
                 MAY –   2. Safety drive on “Safety while operating Track Machines” was
                 22              conducted from 28.05.2021to 10.06.2021, by section TIs and
                                 counseled the staff on the above subject.
                             3. Safety  drive  on  Safety Drive on “Safe securing and Packing  of

                                Goods  trains  “was  conducted  from  28.05.2021to  27.06.2021,by
                                section TIs and counseled the staff on the above subject
                             1. Safety drive on “Safety Drive on prevention of derailments in the
                                sidings” was conducted from 04.06.2021to 14.06.2021, by section

                 JUNE -         TIs and counseled the staff on the above subject.
                 22         2.  Safety  Drive  on  “Prevention  of  signal  passing  at  danger  “was
                                conducted  from  15.06.2021to  29.06.2021,  by  section  TIs  and

                                counseled the staff on the above subject.
                             1. Safety drive on “Working on Running Lines was conducted from
                                01.07 .2021to 15.7.2021, by section TIs and counseled the staff on

                 JULY  -        the above subject.
                 22          2. Special Audit on “Emergency Cross Over’s “was conducted
                                   from 17.06.2021 to section TIs and counseled the
                                  staff on the above subject.
                             1. Safety drives on “Exchange of All-Right Signals “was
                                   conducted from 01.08.2021to 15.8.2021, by section TIs and
                 AUGUS        counseled the staff on the above subject.

                 T – 22      2. Safety drives on “Ensure Safe Train Operations “was
                                  conducted from 11.08.2021to 25.8.2021, by section TIs and
                                  counseled the staff on the above subject.
                            1.  Safety drive on “Examination during Crew Changing by

                 SEP –         LP/ALP” was conducted from 01.09.2021to 15.9.2021, by section
                 22            TIs and counseled the staff on the above subject

                            1.  Safety drives on “Winter Precautions in P-Way.  Maintenance
                                  and  Train  Operations”  was  conducted  from  11.10.2021  to
                                  31.10.2021, by section TIs and counseled the staff on the above
                 OCT –            subject.
                 22         2.  Safety drive on “Sensitizing out sourcing staff and to restrain
                                  them  from  cooking  in  power  cars”  was  conducted  from

                                  04.10.2021to 18.10.2021, by section TIs and counseled the staff
                                  on the above subject.
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