Page 25 - PA BOOKLET 2022
P. 25
ODELA Category-HG-2
A Works completed in the last Five years (Rs. In '000s)
Sl.No Name of work PH 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 Odela-Extension and raising of UP and DN platforms PA 5000
PA Total 5000
B Works in Progress (Rs. In '000s)
Year of Name of work Remarks
sanc PH Cost TDC
Columns are errected. Girder fixing is
18-19 Provision of FOB at Odela PA 18681 Dec'22
under progress Launching to be done.
PA Total 18681
Summary(Fig in 000's)
PH Completed In progress Total
PA 5000 18681 23681
G Total 5000 18681 23681