Page 77 - PA BOOKLET 2022
P. 77

WIRUR (WIRR)                             Kms. 159.84           Class   " NSG 6  "
                                                 YARD DIAGRAM IS ATTACHED
           I. STAFF STRENGTH                                      II.(a). BUILDING - RESIDENTIAL
                            No. of Quarters (Type wise)  Staff Strength  Type  I   II    III    IV     V     Total
                           I      II   III   IV     C      D      Available  28   12      1      -      -     41
           Engineering     19     8      -     -    2      -      Occupied  24    12      -      -      -     36
           Operating       6      2     2     -     8      -       Vacant   4      -      1      -      -     5

           S & T           1      1     2     -     5      -       New      -      -      -      -      -     -
           Electrical (TRD )  2   1     -     -     6      -
           Total           28    12     4     -     21     -

                                                                  II.(b). BUILDING - SERVICE
                                                                  Station Building                            1
                                                                  Traction sub station                        1
           III. WATER SUPPLY ARRANGEMENTS                         TTM Rest house                              1
           Total Demand (Lts)                         68,000      P.Way store shed                            1

           i). Domestic (Lts)                         43,000      Repeater station                            1
           ii). Service Buildings (Lts)               24,550
           iii). Carriage (Lts)
           Source / Yield :-
           1. Waiting Hall ( in Sqmts)  2nd Class         29.00   5. Taps                                     4
                                      1st Class             -     6. Lavatories                               2
           2. Platform Shelter (in Sqmts)  PF.No.1       100.00   7. Urinals                                  1
                                      PF.No.2            100.00   8. Water Cooler                              -
                                                                  9. Foot Over Bridge                         1
           3. Platform Length (in Meters)  PF.No.1 (HL)  509.00   10. Shady Trees                             12
                                      PF.No.2 (HL)       550.00
           4. Benches (Seats) No's                         37

           i). Number of Pass dealt per day (Nos.)                         86
           ii). Maximum number of Passengers dealt at one time (Nos.)       4
           iii). Average number of Outward Passengers dealt per day (Nos.)  45
           iv). Passenger earnings during the year  2021-22 ( Lakhs)  2.52

           VI. No. OF PASSENGERS & EARNINGS OF THE STATION                      2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22  (upto
           i). No. of Passengers                                                 93652  69659    0    5595   9266
           ii). Passenger Earnings (in Lakhs)                                    19.17  14.00  0.00   2.52   3.81
           iii). Other Coaching Earnings (in Lakhs)                               0.02   0.03  0.00   0.00   0.01
           iv). Goods Earnings (in Lakhs)                                         0.00   0.00  0.00   0.00   0.00
           v). Sundries (in Lakhs)                                                0.00   0.00  0.00   0.00   0.00
           Total                                                                 19.19  14.03  0.00   2.52   3.82

   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82