Page 84 - PA BOOKLET 2022
P. 84

MANIKGARH                                                                  Category-NSG-6

                A     Works completed in the last  Five  years                                                         (Rs. In '000s)
              Sl.No                       Name of work                              PH         2017-18      2018-19       2019-20      2020-21      2021-22
                1     Provision of Sang Dead end for branch line trains.             TF                                    6664

                                                                                     TF Total                              6664
                      Improvements to Balconies and Sewerage system to staff
                2                                                                   SW                                                                825
                      quarters in KZJ-BPQ section.
                                                                                    SW Total                                                          825
                      Raising of platforms Rail/Medium  to high level under
                3                                                                   PA                                                               9083
                      Sr.DEN/North section.
                                                                                    PA Total                                                         9083

                4     Construction of  a room for RPF                              OSW                                      800
                      Manikgarh- Replacement of old and dilapidated
                5                                                                  OSW                        1500
                      SE/P.Way/Manikgarh office
                                                                                  OSW Total                   1500          800
                B     Works in Progress                                                                                 (Rs. In '000s)
             Year of                      Name of work                              PH           Cost         TDC                     Remarks

                                                                                                           Summary(Fig in Rs.000's)

                                                                                                  PH       Completed    In progress     Total
                                                                                                  TF          6664           0          6664
                                                                                                 SW           825            0           825

                                                                                                  PA          9083           0          9083
                                                                                                 OSW          2300           0          2300

                                                                                               G Total       18872           0          18872
   79   80   81   82   83   84