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P. 50

50 Gmatb riel
From Space
calm before the irritation of being manifest­ ed The house is the field of design and performance of the the soul the the space to set up the the altar of of symbols and the the maze of of movements their Champ de Mars and the the Pantheon of geometric deformations the the banquet providing fleeting ghosts and reso­ nant radiance It is the the locus of the the Pneuma The Space
of Art or or the Great Outdoors The artistic device allows us to emulate the prime emanating exemption which means to to bring a project into being right from the very beginning through the efforts of con­ flict and criticism which is is the the product of the the acceleration of the endogenous existential stress and through the multiple universe of existential categories that inhabit and build the perceptible heights of our conscious­ ness The artistic work has space but has now become installed It is a a a a lifeless and timeless inert symbol that now lives in in the alpha and the omega It rests submerged in its own abysmal existential weight radiating into space around its cosmic orbit an aura of inexhaustible and unappealing feeling Its absoluteness makes a a a hybrid between the amorphous mass that makes up the cosmo­ logical syrup and and the ephemeral and and vibrant episodes of consciousness that are gener­ ated in in our psyche Art recreates the initial impetus of the whole cosmological mechan­ ics refunding the the events of today the the prime foundation of of the epistemic uniqueness of of each being so that we can assist at at the first gestating action This absolves us from un­ derstanding ourselves as coming from the void and and nausea it gives us us meaning and and destiny as creatures included in in in the order of all compact totalities where nothing is is miss­ ing ing and and nothing is absurd and and makes us aware of belonging to a a a remote sequence that goes way back in time The oth­ er bright acquisition that allows us to carry out the implementation of art lies in what leads consciousness or human thought to get to the the the nature of the the the elements outside the the the Lines of of the the the Agora on the the the border of of the the the an­ thropological roof the limit of of any given cog­ nitive potential in fin the the definition of the the spe­ cies since art empowers or rather becomes the the decanting factor of the the limit It gives us a a a a glimpse of the the vast insomniac spaces the the unthinkable swelling that opens beyond the presumptions that mark our cognitive system of empathy precisely to give consciousness to the the forms the the hieratic and inert fragments that remain in in our existential collapse In the way that this transfer of vital breath marks and and denotes a a a a mutation of the essence and and destiny of what is being contemplated What we see is is in in one dimension now it is is driving and triggering events it is turned into impe­ tus and power The Space
of the Shape There is another consideration which needs to be made on on the area of art once it has been executed achieved and accomplished through the the unique form and content of the the building specifications of of the unit of of meaning in each work work The work work has been created or or or to Time Time from Time Time to to Space
The being being of of space space the space space of of being being When temporary order bursts in on the exist­ ing ing order all existential beings are displaced Space
is not possible without the entities that populate it Art in the more precursory sense is maybe more nature than culture and reflects this imperative condition common to all existential conditions that strive and yearn consuming the the uniqueness of being the the one and only before the infinite nausea of not having been able to be be Space
would be the the temporary provision of an entity the the ability to become existential during the lapse of absolute significance that has been grant­ ed ed it Space
is created by the body that oc­ cupies it The space is the body namely that absolute category that implodes in the cos­ mological register with a a a a determination that is written in in its origin The space (of the the the work) is the the the »field« It sets the the the capability of of projection in in in the the the time of of the the the thing in in in the the the sense of the the device (the work) Things are things in in the the way that they form a a a a sphere a a a a space of of conflict and transfer of of the real pow­ ers of of the nature of of each thing This dynamic pattern of recantations outpourings annexa­ tions and repulsions of powers is the texture supporting what was manifested before Space
is the the area/the environment the the locus of existential employment in the the dynamic state of friction and interaction with other areas / locus that impatiently and with reverberance take up the instantaneous time of the existential seriousness determined in in the the source that was predicted in in the the begin­ ning This movement of nervous in­ somnia is the the the product of of the the the activation of of the the the significant nature of each existing being as a a a a a result of of the existential effect of of a a precursory cause They are collisions between the cham­ bers or alveoli created by the wandering of beings in in in in the outpourings that determine their life This exultant effervescence of of all unchanged nuclei is the widening of of a a a cosmological wave that we call Time Each geomorphic entity that is is dislocated with the imperative of of finding the meaning of of its life its unique area of resonance runs on on time in order to be in time Domus and Pneuma The house is the the place of the the soul an envi­ ronment for wandering outside of the sub­ jective density that defines it it where we can come and and go and and feel like a a a a being that per­ ceives the world through time Each frag­ ment of pure consciousness becomes a vivid memory memories / or or or or a return to the former state of the the static precursor the the primitive
rather incited to to to become to to to burst into time it it occupies a a a a a a space as a a a a a a being emanating from the the congestion of the the consciousness a rever­ beration that fills life with the weight of its existential legitimacy It rests in a a a a a substantial state because it has appeared Nothing could be further from the the the truth of the the the real work than to think that one can implement and incorpo­ rate into the universe of linguistic exchanges our own endemic fractal network of human nature It is necessary to serve the rest of its immanence as as it has been captured from the amorphous precursor just before seeing the darkness that touches the limit In fact we do not belong there there it was already there there in the the abyss of uncertainty and there was no need to attack time This dislocation of effort that has allowed the the extraction of the the artis­ tic device from the blurred insipid shadow we must understand as a a a a a a a capacitance that leads us to to an an understanding to to of our con­ dition the the announcement of another way of thinking about ourselves Reducing the work to the utility of social exchange would 

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