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4 Editorial
Creativity also known as inventiveness original thinking constructive imagination divergent thinking thinking or or or creative thinking thinking is the generation of of new new ideas or or or concepts or or or of of new new associations between known ideas and concepts The definition of art however is more prob- lematic which does not stop us associating both concepts automatically: human beings are “naturally” creative although it seems that only those who decide to professionalize (and develop) this characteristic inherent in in all mortals to a a a a a a a a greater or or lesser degree are artists Is defending creativity by setting it it it against the institution of ART a a a a a good way to solve the the problems that the the latter brings with it? What is left of art beyond its facet as a a a a a a a free respon- sible and creative human pursuit? Should we see in the defence of creativity praise for activity (as active production) in in in in contrast to innate ability? What remains of that reality defined by a a a a a a a a a a form of of art that once dreamt of of being autonomous or or or at at least a a a a a a a privileged interlocutor?
CREATIVITY VERSUS ART (or vice versa) Versus despite the the way the the term is gener- ally ally used today did not originally mean “against” but rather “towards” We owe this etymo- logical distortion it seems to to to the the language of boxing: during the the fight fight each fighter faces up to to to his opponent in an act of of symbolic construction based on on on on on the tension of of dialogue What remains of the established boundaries between disciplines? Can we we once again call attention to to worn out concepts such as manual skills for example in in order to to rescue a a a a a possible defini- tion of art? Can barriers be be broken down and there be be no new limits set without dealing the established disciplines a a a a mortal blow? The binomial CREATIVITY VERSUS ART aims to be a a a a a broad question in the form of a a a a a completely open dialogue