Page 45 - e-Learning Modul Based on ESD
P. 45

11. Conservation of

       Resources: Recycling Water by

             The Treatment of Sewage

       > To recall that pathogens cause disease only when they gain access to body tissues
       > To recognise that food and water are possible means of entry to body tissues
       > To understand the processes involved in the provision of a safe water supply

     Limiting the spread of diseases                              The  smell  can  be  extremely  unpleasant,  282

     Pathogenic  microbes  can  only  cause  disease  if          especially in tropical areas.
     they  are  able  to  enter  the  body  and  invade  the      The  sewage  can  overflow,  especially  during
     tissues. The body has defences against disease,              rainy  periods.  This  allows  faeces,  perhaps
     but  there  are  a  number  of  weaknesses.  For             contaminated with human pathogens, to reach
     example, food and water may contain pathogenic               water  supplies  and  agricultural  land.  The
     microbes.  Salmonella  and  Escherichia  coli  (E.           sewage (and pathogens) can be washed down
     coli), which cause food poisoning, enter the body            through the soil and contaminate nearby water
     in this way, and so do Cholera vibrio and Amoeba             supplies.
     which are waterborne organisms causing cholera           Where  a  good  water  supply  is  available,  a  flush
     and  dysentery,  respectively.  We  try  to  protect     WC is connected to the water carriage system and

     ourselves from these diseases by making sure our         a flow of water carries the waste away.
     drinking water, milk and foods are pathogen-free.        The waste is then treated at a sewage treatment
     Safe water: sanitation and water                         plant so that the valuable water can be recycled.
                                                              The  page  opposite  shows  one  type  of  sewage
                                                              treatment  plant  called  the  activated  sludge
     Living  organisms  need  water  for  a  number  of
     reasons. Water can be lost very rapidly from the
                                                              The treatment of the sewage has two functions:
     human body and we need access to a supply of
                                                                  to  destroy  or  eliminate  potential  pathogens  -
     drinking  water.  Water  supplies  are  kept  potable
                                                                  either  by  the  high  temperature  in  the
     (pathogen-free and drinkable) by both sanitation
                                                                  anaerobic digestion tank, or by chlorination of
     and by sewage treatment.
                                                                  the water before it is discharged
     Sanitation  is  the  removal  of  faeces  from  waste
                                                                  to  remove  organic  compounds  (mainly  in
     water so that any pathogens they contain cannot
                                                                  faeces  and  urine).  These  might  otherwise
     infect drinking water.
                                                                  contribute to the biological oxygen demand
     Pit Latrine
                                                                  (BOD)  of  the  water  into  which  the  treated
     In camps and in isolated houses sewage can be
                                                                  sewage  is  discharged.  Organic  compounds
     disposed  of  in  a  hole.  The  hole  is  dug  deep
                                                                  are digested by fungi and bacteria.
     enough  to  accept  a  large  quantity  of  sewage
                                                              In the activated sludge chamber, powerful jets of
     (ideally  several  metres  deep),  and  then  filled  in
                                                              air keep the sludge aerated so that the processes
     with soil to keep away flies and rats. This type of
                                                              of  decomposition  and  nitrification  can  be
     disposal system - called a 'long drop' or pit latrine
                                                              completed  in  8-12  hours.  This  means  that  large
     -  is  cheap  to  produce  and  does  not  depend  on
                                                              quantities  of  sewage  can  be  processed  very
     running water, but has several disadvantages:
              Learning Module Organisms and Their Environment | Class 11                                     36
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