Page 270 - CRS Engineering
P. 270

Annexure II
                                         proforma for submission nf i?aT insper.Hnr.
                       S No|                DESCRIPTION
                                        General I'articulars ofRAT                 remarks
                           NanieofiliL lank
                                                                      Lakshminarayana Kotha Chernvn
                           Tank ID Xn
                                                                      CHCHI025 OOflPAlf
                           Name of ilie village & mandal
                                                                     Panatoor (V) GUDIPALA
                           Latitude  Lonaitude
                                                                     13°-02'-20" & 79°-nQ'-4n
                           Aflecii'd K.iiiway Bridge & KM
                                                                     474 KM 10 / 1-.-^
                           Railu-.iv Si\ iion & between sections
                           Disi.iik. :ii ^ I- .Iilu.iy Bridge 10 weir (along ihe course ofNallali)  Katpadi - Pakala
                                      Slandiird llyilraulic particulars
                                                                      84 sq.miles
                           Capai ity m ihc Tank
                                                                      •92 Mcft.
                           Full Tank Li vd (FTL)
                           Maxiniinii Water Level(MWL)
                           Danj;cr Lrvi l (DL)
                           Top of Hun,i Level (TBL)
                           Top u idtl
                           Side siopi
                                                                     front 1.5 :l&re;,r>i
                          Area nl sui'iiiernence at FTL
                          Area ul sulinien;ence at MWL
                          Are tlieie ,inv tanks in the catchment of this tank
                          Are there <\nv tanks also classified  RATsI
                          Name.s <V; i:)c-tails of these Tanks
                                                                     Che™;;™       cheru7u2.Kc.ha Cheruvu3. Reddy
                          No iil siiri'lus weirs
                          Len;;hl.^ olM:rpkis weirs
                          Type »>1 stnpuis weirs
                                                                     Masonry wigr
                          Desii'.n Dist li.irge
                       IV                    Sluice
                          No ol sluice.s
                          Locniiou lit sluices
                          FunclioMiil ill" not
                          A) Inspection Details
                           Dale ol inspection
                                                                    16-03-2020  "
                            Name  Designation of Inspecting OfTicials
                                                                     c . „ ^    "Tigation Sect
                                                                     •Sri M.N.KrIshnappa. ADEN/TPTY
                                                                     •SriV.Dhamu Raju, SSB/PWAY,Chittoor
                           If the tank qualify for classification as RAT
                           Tank Bund
                           Is Ihe 11>P levelof bund uniform and as per the standards
                           Is the top width of the bund as per the standards
                           Are !he sli'|)es as per standards
                           Any D.inj'.crousgullies source of the bund
                         C) Surplus Weir
                           Is thi' Icnj'.ih adequate for Design Discharge
                           Is daiii;ei level marked?
                           Condition of sluices
                         E)Any past history of breach of the tank and if so details?
                     REMARKS: Bund is 10 be restored
                        -SvNT^   2^
                  Asst. fcxecutivt tn
                  Irrigation Sectinnr GUDiPALA !•:.  J^Execkthe Engineer
                                                    0® M IWvl«lo«.CHnTOOR

                                                                                         Asst. Divi. Engineer
                                                                                           ^    / S.C. Railway
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