Page 130 - Then Came the Glory
P. 130

 Then Came the Glory
could eat, but I refused to compromise with the wizard's
My oldest sister came to see me on Saturday.
Knowing her habitual kindness, I thought surely she will help me. but she answered, "Your father, brothers, and sisters
have died; are you better than they? you will die anyway, but if you touch that goat you will die an evil death, why don't
you just die peacefully?"
I understood everyone feared to help me, and I wept
sorely thinking I will surely die. then I asked God to give me wisdom to release the goat and he did. I asked my wife to
make me a bed on the floor near the goat and she did. With the aid of the rope I reached the log and called for God's
help. I pulled it toward me with my hands and pushed it
away with my feet; it broke in half and fell on me setting the
goat free.
The people feared to let it go and tied it near my
feet. I felt released and ate the food my wife brought me.
Every day I grew stronger and fifteen days I attended the funeral of friend using only a staff to support me. With a
nephew's help, I grew bold and slaughtered the fat goat. Satan does not sleep. He is our worst enemy, and he
cheated me out of the divine revelation of God's name. Since I could not remember His name, I called him "Kitos". For a year I told everyone about my God "Kitos" who healed me and told me to worship Him.
One day as I worked in my garden a friend came to see me and told me about the religion that healed his brother. He took me to that church and I found again the true name of my God, Jesus Christ. I heard the gospel preached and
believed; immediately they baptized me in the titles,-Father, Son and Holy Ghost. (This is one regret I have -none of us

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