Page 184 - Then Came the Glory
P. 184

 Then Came the dory
Christians in name only came to us when they saw the farce.
They opened their homes to the Apostolics with great respect; no one spent the night outside. Many souls sought baptism in Jesus name and declared they saw the hand of God move as never before.
After observing the blessing one nominal pastor returned to his saints and said, "I will never be the same
again. A special secret of heaven has been revealed to me, and I cannot be your pastor as I have been in the old spirit.
I stand before you to say goodbye..."
His congregation interrupted him by standing and
saying in unison, "Share with us the secret of heaven which is revealed to you. We want to know. If something is wrong, we apologize, but do not leave us. Teach us what you have learned."
Today that congregation has obeyed the truth and listens to the true Gospel in every service. Missionaries
brought wheat to one church to buy their loyalty. The people answered, "We will take the wheat from you and the Gospel from the Apostolics." Since they could not take it back, the missionaries gave them the wheat and the next day we
baptized all of them in the name of Jesus and those not filled received the Holy Ghost. In those months we baptized over
ten thousand people.
In Shensheto Zebego, a famous wizard died;
apparently Satan strangled him. As his followers gathered to bury him, the demons that had lived in him attacked them. They felt unseen rods beating them with unseen hands and they collided with each other; their heads knocked against each other's heads by an unseen force. They could neither stand nor sit and did not know how to get deliverance from this evil power, but one of them finally suggested, "Let us

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