Page 182 - Then Came the Glory
P. 182

 Then Came the Glory
order to prevent their people attending our services. As our
meeting progressed in power, we sang in the Spirit and our
singing could be heard more than a mile. Under the sound of that anointed singing the Holy Ghost fell on the honest-
hearted attending the SIM conference and they fell on their knees weeping and speaking in other tongues.
Their leaders became very angry. The thing they
despised and had forbidden fell upon their people in front of them. They grabbed rods and began beating the people on
the head bringing considerable confusion. Half of the people ran out and came to our conference where we worshiped in
joy and unity.
The leaders went to the Administrator asking them to
arrest all the people who say, "The Holy Ghost has fallen on me." The Administrator replied, "I have nothing to do with
religion. Go solve your problems according to your books." In a very short time, the Lord gave us one hundred
seventy-five churches in that area; we have 121,500 members
baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost in our section.
In December 1987 we witnessed the mighty power of God in the dedication of Brother Arkeno's church which can accommodate two thousand people. We did not know the enemies of the church planned to have us arrested en masse but their plans failed because of the enormous crowd and their armed helpers who failed to materialize.
We went free, but they arrested Brother Arkeno as a criminal the next day. Armed men threw him in a dark cell where insects tormented him and horrible odors suffocated him for seventeen days. Then the secretary of the communist
party office and the district Administrator sentenced him to three months in prison, but the judge bravely released him

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