Page 76 - Then Came the Glory
P. 76
Then Came //le Glory
point the government forced the Wendells to leave the
country; he closed the house and bought a piece of land at Gofa for a church and gave it to Brother Amare. With the
difficulties in building a church, it became a school instead, and the fellowship met at Mama Worke's and Mama Solomie's.
Division came, Amare leading one group who
worshiped in Mama Worke's house and me the others who met at Mama Awetash's house. More misunderstanding split
Amare's group, and he transferred his work to Merkato.
Persecution became stronger and the Kebele took the school which left them with no place to gather for worship. By the
blessing of God, the prayer house I led grew in unity and
At a time when the government determinedly closed
other denominations, Jesus told me to ask for land for a church building in the Gofa area. It looked impossible, but wonder of wonders, God moved on the communist
government to give us an acre and a half of land. Building the church would take time, so we rented a house for
worship at Saris. The Derg proclaimed, "No house
fellowships; if people disobey this mandate, we will confiscate the house and close the meetings." They found us
meeting in Saris and carried out their threats.
We had plans and needed to build big churches for
the large congregations in both Wollayta and Chole, but before beginning that work, the brethren built a residence for
my family on our land. Though we crowded in like sardines in a can, it became our meeting place until we could
construct the new church.
By an incredible series of miracles and many dedicated helping hands, a creditable building went up.