Page 74 - Then Came the Glory
P. 74

 Then Came the Glory
My witness of the baptism in Jesus Name revelation to church members I formerly worked with brought strong
opposition. Trying to protect their members from this doctrine they didn't understand and labelled error, the leaders
spoke to the people with false prophecies, imaginary visions, and dreams. At a night fellowship in Ato Tekleab's house,
the leaders of the Full Gospel came at midnight and Brother Fantahun spoke in tongues for half an hour and in his
supposed interpretation said in part, "Woe unto you who sow tares. I will come upon you and cut you off." In another
phony interpretation, one said, "I am a God of love, not of disturbance. Keep your hearts, O my children; this spirit is
not for you."
After prophesying out of their own hearts, they left.
I recognized Fantahun is possessed of an evil spirit we did not know how to cast out. A few days later, as he preached at the Philadelphia mission in Awassa, he fell like a tree at the pulpit and wallowed, foaming at the mouth. We prayed and wept for him with fasting, but God did not deliver. He couldn't stay in the house; his family put his bed on the veranda. He lay there in painful suffering for three years before he died.
A spate of lying prophecies and schemes began. They distributed cassette tapes of so-called prophecies declaring "Tekle is dead" which caused utter confusion when the
people saw me alive and well.
In Jimma, they told one of their members to be
baptized by Brother Debena and come back screaming that she is demon possessed. They had the tape recorder ready to
record her answer when they demanded, "Speak in Jesus Name. When did Satan enter into you?"
"When I went to the Apostolic Church to be baptized fO

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