Page 120 - Jesus the Ultimate Ology
P. 120
That ifthou acknowledgein thy mouth the LordJesus Christ., and believestin thine heart; that God raised him from death [that God raised him from dead], thou shalt be safe.
Romans 10:9 (\Xlycliffe _ ew Testament)
Romans 10:9 was not and is not offering an·body salvation from sin. You can't be saved until you first get sa,·ed; you get sa, ed by obeying the book of Acts. You can go to Romans and talk about being saved. You can go to Corinthians and talk about li,·ing saved.
You can go to Galatians and talk about thinking sa,·ed, but you aren't going to be saved, live saved or think saYed until you first get saved and you can't get saved until you obey the book of Acts.
In the year 1533 protestant reformer Martin Luther made a statement that could easily be made today:
This is the way it has gone with preaching: After the text of the Gospel is read, they take us to fa.iryland. Onepreaches from Aristode and the heathen books, another from the papal decretals, one brings quesdons about his holy order, another about blue ducks and hens'milk. In short this is the art in which nobody sdcks to the text from which people might
have had the Gospel
Don't let false prophets and jelly backed preachers tell you about being saved without telling you how to get saved. I don't care what doctor so-and-so says and it don't matter what bishop what-