Page 124 - Jesus the Ultimate Ology
P. 124
few saints really understand the efficacious work that ,;a
accomplished through the precious blood of Jesus.
For th.e life of th.e Resh is in th.e blood; and I have given it to you upon th.e to make an atonement for your souls: for it is th.e blood maketh. an atonement for the soul.
Acts 20:28, says:
Take ye th.erefore unto yourselves, and to all the Dock, over th.e which th.e holy Ghost has made you overseers, to feed th.e church ofGod which he haspurchased with his own blood.
Leviticus 17:11, says:
And Hebrews 2:14, says:
Forasmuch th.en as th.e children are part.akers of Resh and blood, he also himselflikewise took part of the same; that th.rough death. he might destroy him that had the power of
death., is, th.e devil;
Note carefully, that in Leviticus, the Bible states that the life of the flesh is in the blood. Right now, while you're reading this page, you've been taking about 12 to 15 breaths every minute and you didn't even notice that you were breathing. You forgot that you were breathing. That's why God made breathing automatic. He knew that if he didn't, you would get tired tonight, fall asleep, forget to breathe and wake up the next morning and find your own self dead.