Page 130 - Jesus the Ultimate Ology
P. 130

the fall of man on the \Voman. Because Adam ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, his blood poisoned the whole human family.
It's been proven that there were at least 110 different kinds of fruit trees in the Garden of Eden. That means that Adam had the privilege of eating from one hundred and nine trees with onl} one tree that he had to leave alone. He passed up all the good ones
to get himself and us in trouble! That's kind of W{e the saints of today. They will pass by nine blessed things that they can do to be happy and make it to heaven, just to mess with that one forbidden thing.
Adam was created in the image and likeness of God. You cannot pass off or pass on to your offspring anything that is acquired after you get here. Anything you want to pass on has to be in your deoxyribonucleic acid genetic coding. If it's not in your DNA, you can't pass it on. Look at it like this, a man can have an accident and lose his finger working in a wood shop, then he
marries a woman and they have three children. All of the children will have their fingers because it's in his DNA to have fingers. Adam didn't have sin in his DNA, so the obvious question is, how did sin become part of our nature? Sin is hereditary. You don't have to go to school and major in sin. You don't have to take a

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