Page 128 - Jesus the Ultimate Ology
P. 128

dropped his head for about 15 seconds and the room got quiet Then he raised his head back up and said, "Bro. John, 'justification means that even if you have smoked up all the dope in the city after Jesus saves you, it's 'just-as-if you ne,·er did it'." He fru ther said, "Justification means that if you tell a lie, e,·ery hour on the hour for ten and then you get saved, it's 'just-as-if you ne, er did it'." If you uy to drink up all the wine in town and then you get saved, "justification" means it's "just-as-if you ne,·er did it". Justification means that you have made it right in God's sight. God made you right in his sight by the blood that he shed on the cros at Calvary.
In the Garden of Eden, Adam sinned. Brothers, pay attention, it was not Eve that sinned. It was Adam because the commandment was not given to Eve, it was given to .Adam. The Bible says in Genesis 2:16, 17:
And the Lord God commandeth the man saying ofall the trees in the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge and good and evil, thou shalt not eat ofit: for
in the day that thou eateth thereof thou shalt surely die.
Remember, at that point Eve wasn't even created yet. Then in verse 18 we read:
And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

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