Page 64 - Jesus the Ultimate Ology
P. 64

issues ,vi.11 never save anybody! You got "·omen liberating other women, but that ain't getting them into hea,·en. You can preach until everybody in the building is financially secure and the:,· \\-ill be the richest folks in the graveyard because only· Jesus can gi,·e you eternal life. The foundation of the gospel is sah·ation through the
name ofJesus first; the issues will take care of themseh-es. People need to be saved and the saints need to be edified. In Psalms 11 :3 even the psalmist asked, "If the foundations be destro:,·cd, what can the righteous do?"
Exegesis and e1seges1s are opposite approaches to interpreting the Bible. "Exegesis" literally means "to lead out of.' It's when your explanation of a passage is based on an objecti,·e and careful analysis. "Exegesis" draws out the meaning from the text, "eisegesis" is when a teacher or preacher reads or adds their own interpretation into the text. A person who injects his own meaning into the text, making it mean whateYer he ,vants it to mean, is called an eisegete. But an exegete pulls the true rn.eaning from the text to understand what God is saying to the church. One
of the things that young preachers today have not learned and if they have learned it they must have forgotten it: you cannot allow your personal experiences to shape your gospel. The purpose of preaching is to reach the lost, put them on the road to heaven and help them find their place in the kingdom of God. Many people in

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