Page 80 - Jesus the Ultimate Ology
P. 80
I say it all the time ...
"Jesus chose the 12 and not one more and on cl1e 12 he closed th door. So were you chosen, u ere you picked or are you a hustler an
just a t.1.-ick?"
Speaking of translators, the Bible 1s the n1ost trnnslat book in the world. Of the estimated 3,000 languages in the '\\ ocld over 341 have complete Bibles, 822 ha,-e on1e parts of the Bibl with hundreds being added every year. E,-en d10ugh there is n book that can be put on the same le,-el as the Bible, the Catholics
say that the Apocrypha is. They combine their unbiblical tradition theories, and thoughts with uninspired books and call it truth. Paul hinted at it in Colossians 2:8:
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition ofmen, after the rudi.ments ofthe
world, and not after Christ.
Now, every first year Bible student knows that we don t have the original manuscript of the Bible. All we have is copies of copies of copies. I'm gonna talk more about the Bible in chapter nine, but for now, let's focus on St. Matthew 28:19:
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing they.min the name ofthe Father, and ofthe Son, and ofthe Hol Ghost:
Matthew 28: 19 (King James Version)