Page 95 - Jesus the Ultimate Ology
P. 95
He is the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. In James 1:17, the Bible says that e,-ery good gift and e,-et1' perfect gift is from abm·e and cometh down from the father of lights. The father is the gift gi,·er. The Bible declares in Ephesians 4:8, that before the son ascended, he descended into the lower parts of the earth, led captivity capti,·e and ga,·e gifts unto men. That would make the son the gift giver.
In 1 Corinthians 12, the Bible teaches us that the Spirit, the Holy Ghost is the gift giver. Once again, we have the father as the gift giver, the son as the gift giver and the Holy Spirit as the gift giver. Well, if we were to ask, 'Vould the real gift giver please stand up?" the only one standing would be the only one that is able to keep us from falling, because the real gift giver is Jesus!
Now let's talk about the rock. 2 Samuel 22:32, calls the father the rock.
2 Samuel 22:32 (King James Version)
For who is God, save the LORD? and who is a rock, save our God?
In 1 Peter 2:8, the son is called rock and in 1 Corinthians 10:4, the Holy Spirit is referred to as the rock.