Page 49 - The History of Lafayette Area Boys Basketball
P. 49

     2012: Rensselaer-Central records its 1000  program victory.
                     a.  Dave Barrett (Lafayette Central Catholic) & John Shoup (Clinton Central) are named  to the
                         Silver Anniversary Team.
                     b.  Dick Haslam (Crawfordsville ’58) & Gene Miiller (South Newton ’71) are elected to  the
                         Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame.
                     Area Leading Scorer: Rashad Richardson (Lafayette Jeff) 23.6 ppg
                     Small School                                              Big School
                     Danny Anthrop (Central Catholic)                          Drake Danford (West Lafayette)
                     Cole Murray (Delphi)POY                                  Jarlon Garrett (Lafayette Jeff)
                     Bryce Cooper (Attica)                                     Dakota Isgrigg (Frankfort)
                     Brandon Tonsoni (Rossville)                               Caleb Rasmussen (Crawfordsville)
                     Stephen Toyra (Faith Christian)                           Rashad Richardson (Lafayette Jeff)POY
                     Coaches-of-the-Year: Dave Barrett (Central Catholic) & Scott Radeker (Lafayette Jeff)
     2013: Brian Good (Rossville) is named to the Silver Anniversary Team.
                     a.  Kevin Leising (Head Coach @ Bluffton & former Head Coach @ Covington) is  named Assistant
                         Coach for the Indiana All-Star Team.
                     b.  John Forest Crane (Wingate ‘13) is elected to the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame.
                     Area Leading Scorer: Devon Burton (Southmont) 23.3 ppg
                     Small School                                              Big School
                     Andrew Hubertz (Central Catholic)                         Tre-Shon Heard (McCutcheon)
                     Cole Murray (Delphi)POY                                  Cameron Bennington (Twin Lakes)
                     Brandon Tonsoni (Rossville)                               Dakota Isgrigg (Frankfort)
                     Bryce Cooper (Attica)                                     Devon Burton (Southmont)
                     Austin Woolley (Frontier)                                 Nathan Rogers (North Montgomery)
     2014: Matt Petty (Crawfordsville) is named to the Silver Anniversary Team.
                     a. Clint Swan (Rensselaer-Central ’91, Head Coach @ Crown Point, former Head   Coach @
                         Frankfort) is named Assistant Coach for the Indiana All-Star Team.
                     Area Leading Scorer: Ethan Woodrow (Fountain Central) 21.8 ppg
                     Small School                                              Big School
                     Brandon Gallinger (Frontier)                              Christian Smith (Frankfort)
                     Brent Hawn (Delphi)                                       Trevor Lockwood (McCutcheon)
                     Brandon Tonsoni (Rossville)                               Cade Renicker (Harrison)
                     Ethan Woodrow (Fountain Central)POY                      Nai Carlisle (West Lafayette)
                     Jackson Anthrop (Central Catholic)                        Grant Gayler (North Montgomery)
     2015: The Hoosier North Athletic Conference is formed.
                     a.  Noah Haynes (Frontier) is named to the Silver Anniversary Team.
                       Area Leading Scorer: Ethan Woodrow (Fountain Central) 20.7 ppg
                     Small School                                              Big School
                     Jackson Anthrop (Central Catholic)POY                    Nai Carlisle (West Lafayette)
                     Jordan Ahrens (Covington)                                 Tre-Shon Heard (McCutcheon)POY
                     Kale Morris (Clinton Prairie)                             Darnell Butler (McCutcheon)
                     Chandler Spring (Covington)                               Grant Gayler (North Montgomery)
                       Ethan Woodrow (Fountain Central)                        Dane Holmes (Twin Lakes)
                     Coaches-of-the-Year: Kent Chezem (Covington) & Rick Peckinpaugh (McCutcheon)
     2016: McCutcheon finishes the season 28-4 & Class 4A state runner-up after being defeated in the  title game 62-59
               by New Albany.  Charles Phinisee wins the Arthur L. Trester Award for Mental Attitude for Class 4A.
                     State Finals Appearance: McCutcheon (Class 4A)
                     a. Terry Stillabower (Lafayette Jeff ‘64) is elected to the Indiana Basketball Hall of  Fame.
                     Area Leading Scorer: Kale Morris (Clinton Prairie) 21.3 ppg

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