Page 3 - Cornice_Grade 10
P. 3


       FROM THE


        W          elcome to the edition of
                   the digital Cornice by
                   Rato Bangala school,
                   an all-inclusive
                   encasing that we hope
                   will unravel to you the
                   most memorable
       events of the school year across all
       grades. Essentially, The Cornice
       makes an attempt at portraying the
       accomplishments, academic or
       otherwise, of students in every grade.

          Know our Team
                                            For  the  past  few  months  the  Grade  10  single one of them and expressed our own
                                            Cornice Team has been pouring its efforts  creativity in the form of these writings, all
     English Editors                        into launching the 2nd edition of the digital  of which are on display in this collection.
     Preissa Shrestha                       Cornice, to make sure the final product is

     Manushi Dangol                         as  stunning  as  (if  not  more  so  than)  the  We would like to thank our dear teachers
                                            first  edition.  To  reflect  the  academic year
                                                                                for their guidance and support throughout
     Anushka Sharma                         of the students of grade 10- our creativity,  the  making  of  this  cornice.  We  couldn't
     Giovanna Parajuli                      imagination,  and  fresh  ideas-  is  the  have  done  this  without  their  constant
                                            objective  of  this  magazine.  These  things  feedback,  supervision  and  support.  We
                                            shine through in the cornucopia of essays,  would also like to express our gratitude for
     Nepali Editors                         poems,  stories,  and  art  put  forth  by  the  providing  us  with  the  opportunity  to  not
     Subhav Baral                           students.                           only be featured in the cornice, but also be
                                                                                a part of the designing team. We built this
     Ajitesh Karki                                                              cornice  from  scratch,  and  every  single
     Krishang Shrestha                      This cornice is a result of relentless hard  page  you  flip  hours  of  hard  work  and

     Aarya Jyoti Chhatkuli                  work, perseverance and coordination from  determination.
                                            our  cornice  team.  We  have  put  an
                                            extensive  amount  of  time  and  effort  into  This is our second cornice that marks the
     Graphic Designers                      this  cornice  these  past  few  months,  beginning  of  a  new  era  here  in  Rato
                                                                                Bangala : The digital era. Being a part of
                                            making  sure  that  we  got  every  tiny  detail
     Aayam Acharya                          right for our dear readers. Throughout our  this is indeed a matter of great pride. We
     Himalaya Satyal                        school  year  in  grade  10,  we  were  hope  you  enjoy  taking  a  walk  down  the
                                            introduced  to  a  variety  of  new  writing  memory  lane.  Sit  back,  relax  and  have  a
                                            styles. Needless to say, we enjoyed every   good read
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